[Assam] [NorthEastIndia] Re: Grumbling GAME-Swapnil Bharali (Horizon, The Assam Tribune, July 05, 2008)

Ankur Bora ankur_bora2000 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 7 19:53:21 PDT 2008

The following response ( email below)  came almost three weeks after the original posting and I am also taking the liberty of replying now.
  Someone can selectively quote part of one's writing to prove a point , one can do the same to prove his , which will again be a chicken and egg story and will lead to another round of grambling game. This was not the purpose of my original posting.
  The writing was about the cynicism and pessimism of the media in general, the use of twists and turns to grab headlines , the tendency to blamesome individual or groups on any pretext. 
Mofid Rahman has responded with an thought-provoking writing which is compiled and posted in the current issue of Posoowa at
  You comments are welcome.
  Ankur Bora 
"R.R.I.T.U.R.A.J." <rrituraj at gmail.com> wrote:
    This is an interesting response ... and I thought I need to clarify a few points from a totally unbiased perpective ... as I also fall in the NRA category, what with being out of the home state for the last 11 years now.
  While we were young, we had learnt a commonly used phrase 'Bat-or kosu gaat noghohibi' . This response from Ankur reflects exactly that.
  Quoting Ankur's mail's last para : "Your attempt to portray all NRA as a grumbling group is highly objectionable, unethical and unfortunate."
  Quoting Swapnil's article : 
  1. Among these admirable NRAs, however, are a handful of people who I honestly find brazenly meddlesome.
  2. This pretentious eagerness of a handful of NRAs who seem to love hearing their own voices when airing their expert solutions publicly in Assam is irksome for a layman like me. 
  So, as I perceive this, Swapnil is not talking about the entire NRA community but a handful of them ... can any of us convincingly say that such a group doesn't exist? I guess not. Its up to us to decide whether we belong to that group. If we don't, we need not be upset with this write-up at all and if we do, than the message is loud and clear ... Stop being meddlesome and Walk the Talk.

  On 7/8/08, Ankur Bora <ankur_bora2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:                   Dear Bharali,
  This is in reference to your article published in the Assam tribune related to the Non Resident Assamese (NRA). 
  I am a NRA and found a number of serious flaws in the article. In your article, you are depicting the NRA as self centered lot; a group of pound sterling/dollar earning people who while showing their concern for the motherland, only indulge in debating, quarreling and grumbling. To buttress your views you are referring to the internet discussion forum called Assam Net and your interaction with a few NRI in the late nineties. It seems that you are making a conclusion based solely on this vague and sketchy informative. While portraying the Assamese expatriates as empty, exaggerated talker, you are concluding your piece with a quote of Clark Gable from Gone with the Wind!!. 
  Let me also take the liberty of quoting the head-master of my primary school. This was actually a favorite story of our respected sir and titled "The Emperor Has No Clothes".
  This is a story about a king who had the habit of seeing things as he wanted to see. Two scoundrels took advantage of it and they made the king believe that they had prepared the most fabulous cloth for him. The king parades before his cowed subjects in his imaginary finery, until an astute child calls out: "But the emperor has no clothes!" 
  In your piece of writing, you are apparently seeing only what you wanted to see. It seems your fixation to the decade old nineties is totally masking the current, the living present. If you do even a little research, you will find out if the concerned NRA are only empty talkers. For your reference, you may read a few current issues of "Posoowa" (www.posoowa.org), a popular NRI magazine also published by Assam Net. Non resident of Assamese origin from all over glove have been sharing their unique experience of contributing to their dearest state and "Posoowa" is a dossier of NRI sincerity and genuine love to their motherland.
  Your attempt to portray all NRA as a grumbling group is highly objectionable, unethical and unfortunate. I wish that you will do research, verify the facts and amend with the right perspective.
  Ankur Bora
  Dallas , Texas



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