[Assam] Soviet/Russian Invasions : Afhganistan, Georgia

uttam borthakur uttamborthakur at yahoo.co.in
Wed Aug 13 20:03:02 PDT 2008

Dear Umesh
Most of us proceed from the assumption that there is a choice for a state (the US, Russia, India...) to right a wrong. It has no choice. As they say, they are prisoners of their own device, their respective economic systems. For example, the US people may like to help underpaid wage labourers in its country. But, the US employers create huge extra-capacities in other client countries under a neo-colonial economic regime (under NAFTA, say). When there is demand for higher wages in the US, the employers threaten and in case do shift production to such other countries where labour-cost is still low. This robs the US wage-earner the right to collective-bargain. Though these people are poor US citizens, the administration would have to  side with the employers (read industries) than with these hapless people because the US economy is to use a lay language pro-industry and the election funding comes from big business after all! 
You are correct that Russia has no business in intervening in Georgia though the US meddles with the Mid-east or elsewhere in the world. I agree whole-heartedly.
About Indonesian killing, you may look-up history, as to how the First democratically elected govt of Sukarno was removed in a US backed coup by Suharto and how 800000, mostly landless people and peasants were massacared.
For that matter, the US has greater apathy towards Castro, though it has not so far been able to kill him! Latinos are smarter than the Slavs it seems:-)

Uttam Kumar Borthakur

----- Original Message ----
From: umesh sharma <jaipurschool at yahoo.com>
To: assam at assamnet.org
Sent: Thursday, 14 August, 2008 6:36:58 AM
Subject: [Assam] Soviet/Russian Invasions : Afhganistan, Georgia


One wrong does not give any one else the right to do another. That said what was that about Iraq's 60:40 oil bidding by US Oil giants?? And also that about 80,000 deaths in Indonesia --never heard of that!

Surprisimgly, the last president of Georgia died of Carbon Monoxide poisoning when he was visiting a friend's house (I was a student at Harvard then 2004 and decided to not trust the heating system - and slept through blizzards with windows open). Does Russia dislike the new President?

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy

Harvard Graduate School of Education,

Harvard University,

Class of 2005

http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu info)

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)

www.gse.harvard.edu/iep  (where the above 2 are used )



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