[Assam] [Assam Society] Brindabani Bastra and the sentiment of the people of Assam

Chan Mahanta cmahanta at charter.net
Wed Aug 20 05:39:23 PDT 2008

>If it comes to the question of ownership any piece of art belongs to 
>the creator.

You raise good questions Rini.

Trouble however, in this context, is in the question of WHO the 
artist was or her rightful heirs are?

Since  it is no longer  determinable, it could be argued reasonably 
that the rightful heirs are those
who are their cultural kins and those who do value them.

The caveat here is "--who value them". Assam 's government has 
demonstrated , just like its role models in Delhi, that they neither 
care nor have the ability to take care of Assam's priceless 
historical artifacts. In that I support your view.

>If we're talking about relinquishing things that were gained through 
>conquest, can Native Americans have their >country back?

*** In an ideal world it should.  And had there been enough of them 
left by the conquerors, someday that might become a possibility to 
imagine. Look at the land of Nagas or the land of the Assamese or of 
the Palestinians. And more pointedly look at the land of Indians 
returned by the British.

But a country is a tad bit different from works of art or historical 
artifacts, returning of which would not cause social turmoil as might 
the returning of a nation to its rightful owners. The British have 
returned Greek and Egyptian art and artifacts, as they ought to have.



At 11:12 AM +0000 8/20/08, Rini Kakati wrote:
>Hello Chandan,
>I also beleive:
>If it comes to the question of ownership any piece of art belongs to 
>the creator.
>If we're talking about relinquishing things that were gained through 
>conquest, can Native Americans have their country back?
>Rini Kakati  
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