[Air-l] CyberFlats 2001 Workshop

jeremy hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Sat May 12 08:54:49 PDT 2001

>CyberFlats 2001 Workshop
>August 19 Aarhus University, Aarhus Denmark
>August 20-22 Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark
>We are looking for a few electronic media writers, artists, and
>developers to work together with hypermedia system developers to share
>ideas and solve specific problems.  If you would like to collaborate
>with an exciting, bleeding edge group, please provide a proposal
>outlining a specific project (a narrow, focused problem to solve) or
>offering your interests and insights to use a developer's system and
>CyberFlats will be a chance for hypermedia system developers and
>artists and writers to work together to provide development tools to
>address hypermedia system needs. A maximum of 10 writers and10 system
>developers will gather for a one day meeting August 19 right after
>Hypertext 2001 at Aarhus University to discuss projects,
>collaboration, and electronic media and hypermedia issues.  Developers
>and artists and writers will work in small groups together for 2 -3
>days (August 20 - 22)  at Aalborg University in Esbjerg, Denmark.
>Please submit a description of your work and your goals for working
>together by June 10. We will pair up groups so that you can discuss
>and share work ahead of the meeting.
>Writers will submit a work in progress with a detailed programming
>problems relating to (open) hypermedia -- structures of different
>kinds, behaviors of different kinds, integration / enabling of new
>(legacy) applications. We are interested in integrating new tools
>(such as a 3D modeling tool) to work within a hypermedia environment
>and (depending on the nature of the tools) in enhancing integrated
>tools to provide new and powerful hypermedia features .
>System developers will determine which projects they would like to
>work on, and will work with the writer to find ways to address these
>problems. System developers will submit a short proposalon how they
>will be able to help realize the development goals of the workshop.
>Writers and Artists
>Please submit a proposal to work on an electronic media works in
>progress and to work on a specific problem.  Proposals will be judged
>by the following criteria:
>                     Problem is clearly defined
>                     Problem can be solved
>                     Work cannot be completed without addressing this
>                     problem
>Proposals for works in progress should be submitted by June 10, 2001
>and sent to cyberflats at cs.aue.auc.dk. Proposals should be contained in
>the body of the email message and should contain:
>                     Author's name(s) and affiliation(s).
>                     Mailing address.
>                     Name and email address of the primary contact for
>the submission.
>                     Work Description -- Describe the content and
>philosophy behind the work. Discuss the navigational
>techniques, overall structure, and framework for the work. How
>will readers engage with this work? List the elements
>in the work, such as sound, imagery, and text. What do
>these elements add to the work and why do they need to
>be  there?
>                     Platform Description -- List all software used to
>develop  the work. Describe the actual running and
>publishing environment--will this be a work on the web? on a
>disk? using what end software?
>                     Problem Description -- Explain in detail the
>specific, narrowly focused problem you
>   would like to work on. Explain clearly what the
>work should  do and how it should do it.
>  This should be a miniature requirements paper. If you expect that
>your work may involve special electrical, space, or network
>resources, please describe these as clearly as possible in your
>initial submission email. We will be sending additional details,  and
>perhaps asking additional questions, once we have reviewed the
>System Developer Proposals
>           System developers should submit a brief statements of what
>type  of resources that they can bring to the meeting to help
>realize the developments goals of the workshop. Resources can be of
>           different types:
>                     Expert knowledge of the area.
>                     Programming resources.
>                     Equipment.
>           Proposals from system developers should be submitted by June
>10, 2001 and sent to cyberflats at cs.aue.auc.dk. Proposals should
>be contained in the body of the email message and should
>                     Proposer's name(s) and affiliation(s).
>                     Mailing address.
>                     Name and email address of the primary contact for
>the  proposal.
>                     Description of the resources that are brought to
>the workshop and how they can help realize the development goals of
>the workshop.
>  Shortly after the submission deadline, the organizers will
>match proposals from writers with resources from system
>developers. The system developers will be involved in this process.
>jeremy hunsinger wrote:
> > Thanks Deena,
> >
> > Hope things are going well:)
>Come on over to explore the amazing possibilities in hypertext

Jeremy Hunsinger          	http://www.cddc.vt.edu
Instructor of Political Science	Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
Webmaster/Manager CDDC     http://www2.cddc.vt.edu/cyber
526 Major Williams Hall 0130	http://www.cddc.vt.edu/jeremy --my homepage
Virginia Tech			(yes i need to update it)	
Blacksburg, VA 24061		(540)-231-7614  icq 5535471

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