[Air-l] Re: Survey Methodology on the WWW

Frank Schaap architext at fragment.nl
Mon Nov 5 23:09:18 PST 2001

John wrote:
> In terms of anecdotes, I'm curious about how/why many of us begain using
> the internet as a methodology or even to study.  In my own case, I was


Although this book doesn't really go into the "dirty nasty details" of failing
tech and other research horrors, it's very interesting to read how the authors
of this autobiographical volume ended up in the 'internet scene':

Henwood, Flis & Helen Kennedy & Nod Miller (eds.) (2001) Cyborg Lives? Women's
Technobiographies. York, UK: Raw Nerve Books Ltd.


The Cyberculture, Identity and Gender Resources
==> http://fragment.nl/resources/

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