November 2001 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Nov 1 01:14:55 PST 2001
Ending: Fri Nov 30 17:03:50 PST 2001
Messages: 147
- [Air-l] Re:De-lurking. Need help with thesis format!
Suzanne Lorraine Allard
- [Air-l] Sept 11 online tv archives
Suzie Allard
- [Air-l] AoIR communal data-database
Suzie Allard
- [Air-l] Teaching Survey Methodology on the WWW [developing the thread]
Matthew Allen
- [Air-l] Academic studies
Matthew Allen
- [Air-l] Comparing print and online news readers
Janna Q. Anderson
- [Air-l] Online moderation
Dorine Andrews
- [Air-l] call for papers for session on the Internet at ASA
Andrea Baker
- [Air-l] call for papers for session on the Internet: correction
Andrea Baker
- [Air-l] Intersections: Internet research, policy practice, and issue advocacy
Paul M.A. Baker
- [Whoops] Re: [Air-l] Intersections: Internet research, policy practice, and issue advocacy
Paul M.A. Baker
- [Air-l] AoIR communal data-database
Nancy Baym
- [Air-l] AoIR communal data-database
Nancy Baym
- [Air-l] Re: UCLA Internet Use Report
Nancy Baym
- [Air-l] Comparing print and online news readers
Bunz, Ulla K
- [Air-l] VO conference in Europe
Bunz, Ulla K
- [Air-l] CFP: Computer-Supported Social Interaction Conference
- [Air-l] Online Journalism
Niki Cheong
- [Air-l] Comparing print and online news readers
C. Courtright
- [Air-l] CFP: Mediations/Meditations
Lauren Cruikshank
- [Air-l] cultural history of the Internet
Charles Ess
- [Air-l] info on public participation in Internet policy making
Josephine Ferrigno-Stack
- [Air-l] Re: Air-l digest, Vol 1 #216 Nacy Baum
Niels Ole Finnemann
- [Air-l] Re: Air-l digest, Vol 1 #211 - 9 msgs
Christiana Freitas
- [Air-l] NYT article on Washington State Anti-Spam Law
Ken Friedman
- [Air-l] e-democracy
Ken Friedman
- [Air-l] NEW THINKING Newsletter
Ken Friedman
- [Air-l] Query on the use of email by deaf persons
Ken Friedman
- [Air-l] Book review of Language and the Internet
Ken Friedman
- [Air-l] Legal opinions, please
Ted Friedman
- [Air-l] cultural history of the Internet
Ted Friedman
- [Air-l] CFP Panam/2001 Bugs
- [Air-l] Re: Air-l digest, Vol 1 #217 - 19 msgs
Lee Giles
- [Air-l] FW: Technology Conference, Tuscon .... (note: submit deadline extended)
Ellis Godard
- [Air-l] Re: Interpretation in newsgroups
Stine Gotved
- [Air-l] Geert Lovink Web Archive
Reinhold Grether
- [Air-l] information seeking, web surfing and social capital
Anabel Quan Haase
- [Air-l] lit. on e-commerce / new economy firms?
Eszter Hargittai
- [Air-l] online data archive
Eszter Hargittai
- [Air-l] AoIR communal data-database
Charlie Hendricksen
- [Air-l] AoIR communal data-database
Charlie Hendricksen
- [Air-l] AoIR communal data-database
Charlie Hendricksen
- [Air-l] AoIR communal data-database
Charlie Hendricksen
- [Air-l] Open rank faculty position in HCI/CSCW at IU Bloomington
Susan Herring
- [Air-l] CHI 2000 workshop: Visualizing coherence in CMC
Susan Herring
- [Air-l] Hotmail to charge?
Adrian Higginbotham
- [Air-l] Virtual Methods seminars
Christine M Hine
- [Air-l] Correction to Virtual Methods link
Christine M Hine
- [Air-l] Re: Air-l digest, Vol 1 #200 - 12 msgs
Soraj Hongladarom
- [Air-l] Please Participate in Survey 2001
Philip Howard
- [Air-l] lit. on e-commerce / new economy firms?
Philip Howard
- [Air-l] clarification lit. on e-commerce / new economy firms?
Philip Howard
- [Air-l] Query on the use of email by deaf persons
Jim Hudson
- [Air-l] De-lurking. Need help with thesis format!
Ronelle Lee Hutchinson
- [Air-l] Online Journalism
David Jacobson
- [Air-l] Re: Air-l digest, Vol 1 #211 - 9 msgs
Nicholas Jankowski
- [Air-l] Airport access
Steve Jones
- [Air-l] Legal opinions, please
Steve Jones
- [Air-l] Online Journalism
Steve Jones
- [Air-l] Fwd: new from ebr
Steve Jones
- [Air-l] November 2001 report
Steve Jones
- [Air-l] cultural history of the Internet
Merav Katz
- [Air-l] FW: an opinion?
Randy Kluver
- [Air-l] On-line Moderation
Alex Kuskis
- [Air-l] Comm and Technology position(s) at Virginia Tech ... (fwd)
Ed Lamoureux
- [Air-l] Academic studies
Ed Lamoureux
- [Air-l] Re: UCLA Internet Use Report
Ed Lamoureux
- [Air-l] cultural history of the Internet
Rita Lauria
- [Air-l] information seeking, web surfing and social capital
Rita Lauria
- [Air-l] Research on IMCs?
RG Lentz
- [Air-l] Re: UCLA Internet Use Report
RG Lentz
- [Air-l] Job Announcement (Virginia Tech)
Matt McAllister
- [Air-l] Re: Air-l digest, Vol 1 #202 - 4 msgs
Michel J. Menou
- [Air-l] aoir 2.0 pix finally linked
- [Air-l] CFP: Informing and communications theory
Sue Myburgh
- [Air-l] CFP: Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference
Frans Mäyrä
- [Air-l] ICT/ IT for Development Jobs
Vikas Nath
- [Air-l] De-lurking. Need help with thesis format!
Kathleen O'Riordan
- [Air-l] social capital and information seeking
Anabel Quan-Haase
- [Air-l] position announcement
Tricia Quitmeyer
- [Air-l] RE: Survey Methodology on the WWW
Ulf Reips
- [Air-l] lit. on e-commerce / new economy firms?
Ulf Reips
- [Air-l] Re: Air-l digest, Vol 1 #215 - 4 msgs
Ronald E. Rice
- [Air-l] Please subscribe
Katherine Robinson
- [Air-l] 2nd CFP: Playing With the Future
Jason Rutter
- [Air-l] Media Policy Position at Oxford
Christian Sandvig
- [Air-l] Re: Survey Methodology on the WWW
Frank Schaap
- [Air-l] On-line Moderation
Lois Ann Scheidt
- [Air-l] lit. on e-commerce / new economy firms?
D. Silver
- [Air-l] citations sought: email and journalists
D. Silver
- [Air-l] hee hee: streaming ASCII video
D. Silver
- [Air-l] RE: Survey Methodology on the WWW
Leo Simonetta
- [Air-l] Call For Papers: Cyberculture Conference
Donald Snyder
- [Air-l] Major Online Communities Report from Pew Internet and American Life Project
J. Sternberg
- [Air-l] CFP - Media Ecology Association Convention NYC June 21-23, 2002
J. Sternberg
- [Air-l] cultural history of the Internet
Bill Stewart
- [Air-l] cultural history of the Internet
Bill Stewart
- [Air-l] online data archive
Bill Stewart
- [Air-l] cultural history of the Internet
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-l] Job Posting
Tamillo, Barbara T
- [Air-l] cultural history of the Internet
Frederick Turner
- [Air-l] UCLA Internet Use Report
Willard Uncapher
- [Air-l] position at ISU in New Media Technology
Dr. Richard C. Vincent
- [Air-l] game image permissions
Charles Wankel
- [Air-l] Academic studies
Pablo Weinsteiner
- [Air-l] Internet research opportunity
Elizabeth Weiss
- [Air-l] The Internet in Everyday Life
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] Re: Survey Methodology on the WWW
John White
- [Air-l] Challenging New Research Positions in Amsterdam
Paul Wouters
- [Air-l] Interpretation in newsgroups
Nils Zurawski
- [Air-l] cultural history of the Internet
Nils Zurawski
- [Air-l] Re: [Softwareandculture] internet & national security
- [Air-l] Query on IM Research
nbaron at
- [Air-l] Internet/Computer generation
- [Air-l] Hotmail to charge?
danah boyd
- [Air-l] Position at Indiana U-Bloomington
- [Air-l] Air-l digest, Vol 1 #200 - 12 msgs
msrdssg at
- [Air-l] Air-l digest, Vol 1 #202 - 4 msgs
msrdssg at
- [Air-l] lit. on e-commerce / new economy firms?
radhika gajjala
- [Air-l] lit. on e-commerce / new economy firms?
radhika gajjala
- [Air-l] cfp: hosting at cddc
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] Intersections: Internet research, policy practice, and issue advocacy
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] internet & national security
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] [Fwd: [CSL] CFPs: International Conference on the History of Computing and Networks, Nov. 2002, Grenoble, France]
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] new lists internet and national interests and internet and national security, distribute widely
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] correction:internet and national interests and internet and national security, distribute widely
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] game image permissions
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] cultural history of the Internet
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] cultural history of the Internet
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] Re:De-lurking. Need help with thesis format!
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] information seeking, web surfing and social capital
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] AoIR communal data-database
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] seeking Professor of Human Rights, Democracy and New Media
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] AoIR communal data-database
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] Fwd: [CC] [congress-crew at CfP: 18th annual Chaos Communication Congress, Berlin, Germany] (fwd)
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] aoir 2.0 pix finally linked
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] Fwd: SCI 2002
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] Interpretation in newsgroups
arpo at
- [Air-l] fibreculture meeting, melbourne, december 6-8, 2001
geert lovink
- [Air-l] Intersections: Internet research, policy practice, and issue advocacy
rglentz at
- [Air-l] Opinion leaders/elites and Telecom/Internet policy
rglentz at
- [Air-l] Re: Survey Methodology on the WWW
Scott_Crawford at
- [Air-l] Re: Survey Methodology on the WWW
Scott_Crawford at
- [Air-l] game image permissions
shawn miklaucic
- [Air-l] Online Journalism
- [Air-l] CFP - Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association
t.kennedy at
- [Air-l] AW: UK Government's Major E-Democracy Push - Reference to Europea n Forum Alpbach 2001
Rudolf.Lichtmannegger at
Last message date:
Fri Nov 30 17:03:50 PST 2001
Archived on: Thu Oct 3 17:35:32 PDT 2024
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