[Air-l] @LIS e.Learning in a cultural Diversity scenario Europe & Latin America

Paolo Manzelli lre at unifi.it
Fri Jul 12 23:35:19 PDT 2002

@LIS e.Learning in a cultural Diversity scenario between Europe & Latin

Nome.............:paolo manzelli
E-Mail. ..........:LRE at UNIFI.IT


Mensagem ..:"Meeting the Knowledge Management Challenges in a Global
Networked Knowldge Economy" searc for partners pilot
project @lis sKILL sHORTAGE. Dear ,partners and potential partners of
INFORMATION ) I would like to inform you that the Italian
Ministry of INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY gives to the LRE od the University
of Florence a preliminary sign of interest publicizing the
project in the Italian Governmental Newsletter . See below: :

Innovazione e Tecnologie Newsletter 47 del 5 Luglio 2002 Università e
ricerca "Skill Shortage" Nell’ambito del programma @LIS -
e.Learning, il LRE dell'Università di Firenze intende avviare la messa a

punto di un modello di formazione permanente interattiva tra
Europa e America Latina sul tema delle carenze professionali (Skill
Shortage) e della condivisione di conoscenze (Sharing Knowledge)
per lo sviluppo delle "Società della Economia della Conoscenza"
(Knowledge Driven Society). Il LRE EGO-CreaNET della Universita' di
Firenze, con ciò vuole favorire lo sviluppo di un sistema di formazione
permanente "senza distanza", denominato "NET-Learning".
Quest'ultimo è così detto, proprio in quanto basato sulla realizzazione
di "Comunità Virtuali" interattive di autori (Corporate
e.DUCATION), capaci di attuare una condivisione di intenti e competenze
nella gestione di conoscenze su temi specifici VEDI in:

I would like to be sure that all of you get my previous note about
Partners, thanking you very much for sending to the LRE-EGO-CreaNET of
the Florence University -Italy ; your letter of intent are now
enclosed in the WEB :
http://www.edscuola.com/archivio/lre/alis/index.htm and it is open the
:http://www.edulab.it/egocrea/index.asp password : PMEGOCREA Forum in :
Nowadays LRE-EGO-CreaNET consider very important to
establish a strategy for improving all together the net-learning topics
and contents priorities for changing the Knowledge Management
of the obsolete Industrial Society, by means the utilization of a
strategy of networking e.learning able to forecast the best way of
e.learning exchange methodology in a scenario of different cultural &
economic environment. This kind of foresight will gives to us a
more deeper strategic idea to produce e.learning objects for different
regional or local level of training in a common developmental
aims for the future Knowledge Based Society. Because principles only
become relevant if they are converted into actions , the
successive step of the SKILL PROJECT will be developing an action plan
for SKILL BUILDING that will be emphasized on the renovation
Knowledge management taking in consideration the following goals: A)
Quantitative versus Qualitative co-operation for instance in the
field of food's traceability for health security of people. B)
Overcoming the contemporary slower economic growth and the probable
higher intellectual unemployment through the internationalization of
SME's ITC innovation and through the eco-economic integration
for the sustainability of the international development. The
LRE-EGO-CreaNET of the University of Florence think very important to
open a debate on similar issues forecasting an effective plan for actions .
Until now the LRE-EGO-CreaNET of the Florence University ,
requests to the potential partner to send to me ( Project Coordinator
LRE at UNIFI.IT ) a Letter of Intent , to define their partnership role
and contribution in the pilot project for analyzing skill shortage in
Knowledge Management for SMEs internationalization of market . In
syntheses the SKILL SHORTAGE pilot project after the territorial
analysis would like to develop a system of SKILL BUILDING in innovative
Knowledge Management , by means net-learning approach, based on the
common development of a virtual electronic editor (VIAL- see
the proposal in : http://www.edscuola.it/archivio/lre/alis/index.htm )
like the BLU.eS previously described in http://www.see.it/blues/.
Therefore the LRE-EGO-CreaNet request also to
you such Letter of Intent in Head Paper with electronic
signature that you can send to me as soon as possible. After we start
with the partners to open a debate and starting from the next
september we will develop together the Memorandum of Understanding od
the Consortium "VIAL" and starting from the 15/Sept to the
15 Oct. the partnership Consortium "VIAL" will develop the BID ( Working

and Business Plan for replying to the call @LIS. I hope to
receive your precious letter of intent. Very Cordially Paolo Manzelli
P.S. In Italy now we start in a period of holidays we look to develop
the action and working plan for the @LIS BID after the proposed debate
on similar issues , starting from the 1. th SEPT 2002. In any case
we wait for your kind opinion and suggestions because we do non stop to
work for improving the SKILL SHORTAGE PILOT PROJECT. Very
Cordially Paolo Manzelli - Scientific Co-ordinator LRE at UNIFI.IT -- PS .
We would appeciate your contributions in the FORUM :
http://www.edulab.it/egocrea/index.asp password : PMEGOCREA Many thanks.

   Director of LRE  // EGO-CreaNET

    PAOLO MANZELLI <LRE at unifi.it>

  Education Research Laboratory / EGO-CreaNET
  Via Maragliano 77 -50144 - Firenze - Italia

   Tel//Fax.:+39/055/332549 ; handy GSM ;+39//335/6760004

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