[Air-l] Looking for interesting examples of folks teaching

Thom Kevin Gillespie thom at indiana.edu
Thu Nov 14 22:06:48 PST 2002

media literacy along the lines of 'new media and social justice.'
Interested in all levels but particularly interested at the grade
school/junior high level.

Any suggestions much appreciated.


 \\\\////   tHoM gIllEsPiE, maitre d'Igital, CafeTechnos at ait.net
 /ww  ww\   Indiana University, Telecommunications Dept
6 (*][*) ?       1229 E 7th St      Radio & TV Bldg
 \  .7  /          Bloomington, IN 47405-5501 USA
  ( --')       thom at indiana.edu     812-855-3254 (v)
   WWWW         The MIME Program in newMedia Design
  / WW \               www.mime.indiana.edu
"The game lasts 90 minutes. That's a fact. Everything else is just
theory." -- Run, Lola, Run

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