[Air-l] P2P

Dmitri Williams dcwillia at umich.edu
Sun Oct 27 08:31:24 PST 2002


My dissertation topic is community and social capital in online games, 
and I'm in the communication department at Michigan, so yes, there are 
media people doing related work. I think there are a handful of 
researchers doing non-effects work on games, primarily other Ph.D. and 
Masters students, but a few notable faculty as well. Most of this work 
seems to be done in England and Northern Europe.

There are some good web resources out there I can suggest. Probably the 
best listserver to join is the Digiplay listserve run via Topica.com by 
two good researchers in England who have been very active in organizing 
the research community. It also has some interested industry types on 
it. joystick101.org is a good site for researchers and students. The 
professional industry lists that are useful are located at gamasutra.com 
and the igda.org.

I taught a class on game technology, policy and social issues earlier 
this year (http://www-personal.umich.edu/~dcwillia/Comm479.html), and I 
maintained a page of some useful links at http://www-

Hope that helps,


On Sunday, October 27, 2002, at 07:50  AM, Shenja Vandergraaf wrote:

> Dear all,
> Recently I've started working on my Ph.D. on P2P technology and online
> games. I've been wondering who is studying P2P as well, not only in the
> field of computer science but for example media studies, etc.? Are 
> there any
> organisations 'out there' that I can join?
> Another question: I've heard about a P2P-congress in Australia (sometime
> this year), does anyone know about that or know where I can find some 
> info
> about the topics?
> Thanks!!!
> Shenja Vandergraaf
> *******
> Communication and Information Studies, Media & Re/Presentation
> Universiteit Utrecht / MIT (USA)
> Kromme Nieuwegracht 29, #1.10
> NL - 3512 HD Utrecht
> phone: +31 (0)30 253 7734
> fax: +31 (0)30 253 6167
> email: shenja.vandergraaf at let.uu.nl
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Dmitri Williams
Ph.D. Candidate
University of Michigan
Department of Communication Studies
dcwillia at umich.edu

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