[Air-l] P2P

David Wiley david at wiley.ed.usu.edu
Sun Oct 27 06:41:48 PST 2002


We've been studying p2p in the context of online learning and community
formation. Check out http://educommons.org/ as well as our Computer
Mediated Social Networks and Informal Learning (cm-snail) pages at


On Sun, 27 Oct 2002, Shenja Vandergraaf wrote:

> Dear all,
> Recently I've started working on my Ph.D. on P2P technology and online
> games. I've been wondering who is studying P2P as well, not only in the
> field of computer science but for example media studies, etc.? Are there any
> organisations 'out there' that I can join?
> Another question: I've heard about a P2P-congress in Australia (sometime
> this year), does anyone know about that or know where I can find some info
> about the topics?
> Thanks!!!
> Shenja Vandergraaf
> *******
> Communication and Information Studies, Media & Re/Presentation
> Universiteit Utrecht / MIT (USA)
> Kromme Nieuwegracht 29, #1.10
> NL - 3512 HD Utrecht
> phone: +31 (0)30 253 7734
> fax: +31 (0)30 253 6167
> email: shenja.vandergraaf at let.uu.nl
> *******
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