[Air-l] Advice Requested re: CoP

Rebecca Newton CP rebecca at communitypeople.net
Wed Sep 18 10:28:59 PDT 2002

Hi Mark,
Nancy pointed you in some excellent directions. I've only a few to add...

We have a currculum of new online community management courses at
CommunityPeople.net. They are self-paced, comprehensive and interactive so
they're fairly intense. Feel free to contact me off the list if you need any
assistance with them.


It sounds like you've already read all the books out there - reading and
doing are quite different. Nancy is quite right about joining the listservs
she mentioned. It will help you quite a bit.

The good news is, it's a totally fun profession (99% of the time)! :)

I'm happy to help you as needed,
Rebecca Newton
rebecca at communitypeople.net

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