[Air-l] The cyberculture canon

J Sternberg netberg at compuserve.com
Wed May 28 21:44:41 PDT 2003

Although it may not be as well-known as other Internet/cyberculture 
anthologies, I recommend _Communication and Cyberspace: Social 
Interaction in an Electronic Environment_ edited by Lance Strate, Ron L. 
Jacobson, and Stephanie Gibson (Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press),  now in 
its second edition (2003).

Janet Sternberg, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, New Media/Digital Media
Department of Communication and Media Studies
Fordham University

Matthew Jason Eliot wrote:
> Okay folks,
> Here's a question for the scholars among us.
> What would you consider to be the canonical anthologies in Internet studies
> or cyberculture studies? I think there are a fair amount of individual books
> that would make it to this list, but what about anthologies? These latter
> publications often serve as a "state of the state" when they are published.
> Which ones would you suggest form the basis for Internet studies?

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