[Air-l] The cyberculture canon

jim porter porterj8 at msu.edu
Thu May 29 01:07:58 PDT 2003


A good question. I don't know about "canonical," but here are several older
collections I'd add to the list. I'd be interested in seeing your compiled
list when it's done.
James Brook & Ian Boal (eds.), Resisting the Virtual Life: The Culture and
Politics of Information (City Lights Press, 1995).

Cynthia Haynes & Jan Rune Holmevik (eds.), High Wired: On the Design, Use,
and Theory of Educational MOOs (U of Michigan P, 1998).

Patricia Sullivan & Jennie Dautermann (eds.), Electronic Literacies in the
Workplace (NCTE and Computers and Composition, 1996).

Stuart C. Selber (ed.), Computers and Technical Communication (Ablex/ATTW
Studies in Technical Communication, 1997).

Jennifer Terry & Melodie Calvert (eds.), Processed Lives: Gender and
Technology in Everyday Life (Routledge, 1997). --> not about the Internet,
but an important work on technology and gender

* Any of several co-edited collection edited by Gail Hawisher & Cynthia
Selfe, including Global Literacies and the World Wide Web (Routledge, 1999)
and Passions, Pedagogies, and 21st-Century Technologies (Utah State
University Press, 1999).

Regards, Jim Porter

Jim Porter, Professor
Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
Michigan State University
porterj8 at msu.edu

> Okay folks,
> Here's a question for the scholars among us.
> What would you consider to be the canonical anthologies in Internet studies
> or cyberculture studies? I think there are a fair amount of individual books
> that would make it to this list, but what about anthologies? These latter
> publications often serve as a "state of the state" when they are published.
> Which ones would you suggest form the basis for Internet studies?
> Matt Eliot
> Doc student
> Department of Technical Communication
> University of Washington
> Planet Earth
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