[Fwd: Re: [Air-l] The death of chat?]

Frank Thomas frank.thomasftr at free.fr
Thu Sep 25 02:26:50 PDT 2003

Some French echos:
The French economic newspaper Les Echos only speaks of the spam and 
pornography reasons, in its headline.
Le Figaro doesn't mention anything. 
Libération repeats what we could read this thread here: it's a mixture 
of closing a service that creates more nuisance than revenu, and creates 
a good moral image.
Le webjournal Journal du Net  amply comments the decision and cites the 
official reasons given by the director of MSN France. The journalist 
then also mentions the effetcs of the closing of the chat on the net use 
ratings  as the chat was an integral part of the MSN portail.  The 
competitors atack the decision as a advertisement scoop, and as 
irresponsible .

Porn or criminal use of the Internet is not an important question here 
in France, maybe because the culture is not so sex-opposed as in some 
Anglo-saxon countries, and because the Internet is less used.

Frank Thomas
Rosny, France

> From: Steve Jones <sjones at uic.edu>
> Reply-To: air-l at aoir.org
> Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 11:56:47 -0500
> To: air-l at aoir.org
> Subject: Re: [Air-l] The death of chat?
> Given the international membership on this list I'd be very
> interested in hearing reactions to MSN's announcement from outside
> the U.S. The news stories I heard about it on the radio in the U.S.
> emphasized spam and porn as being the reasons for the closing. Is
> that the reporting elsewhere?

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