September 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Sep 2 03:22:27 PDT 2003
Ending: Tue Sep 30 20:59:43 PDT 2003
Messages: 162
- [Air-l] The One to Watch: Radio, New ICTs and Interactivity
George Lessard (s)
- [Air-l] MSN chat
- [Air-l] Impact of robots
Isidro F. Aguillo
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
Ben Anderson
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
Ben Anderson
- [Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers
Ben Anderson
- [Air-l] Gender & IT
Diana Andone
- [Air-l] Repost: CFP Essays on Virtual Music Culture
Mike Ayers
- [Air-l] FW: CNET - British boss bans e-mail
Paul M.A. Baker
- [Air-l] CFP: TIS issue on Internet Research
Nancy Baym
- [Air-l] Re: The death of chat?
Paul Bevan
- [Air-l] Post doc position Chicago
Charlie Breindahl
- [Air-l] Three internet/media vacancies, Indiana
Charlie Breindahl
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
Philipp Budka
- [Air-l] Two positions at Rutgers Univ., Communication
Ulla Bunz
- [Air-l] How to cite blogs?
Thomas N. Burg
- [Air-l] Hotel bookings
Rhiannon Bury
- [Air-l] AOIR Hotel Draw: We have some winners!
Rhiannon Bury
- [Air-l] Conference Registration
Rhiannon Bury
- [Air-l] AOIR delegates: New Air Canada Sale
Rhiannon Bury
Rhiannon Bury
- [Air-l] Seek roommate in Toronto (10/15 through 10/18)
Rhiannon Bury
- [Air-l] Global Information Village Plaza
Nadia Caidi
- [Air-l] ICS/ OII Symposium 17 - 20th September
Denise Carter
- [Air-l] ICS/ OII Symposium 17 - 20th September
Denise Carter
- [Air-l] Seeking research on Internet cafes
Robin Cheesman
- [Air-l] Call for papers - Gender & ICT Symposium
Laurence Claeys
- [Air-l] Public Net-Work articles, E-democracy links and resources
Steven Clift
- [Air-l] RE: Air-l digest, Vol 1 #842 - 17 msgs
Sue Cranmer
- [Air-l] Gender & IT
John Daly
- [Air-l] Seeking research on Internet cafes
Delwiche, Aaron
- [Air-l] Seek roommate in Toronto (10/15 through 10/18)
Delwiche, Aaron
- [Air-l] Consultation on a draft professional and ethical code
Sally Dench
- [Air-l] Consultation on a draft professional and ethical code
Sally Dench
- [Air-l] blogs text?
Jim Downing
- [Air-l] Assistant Professorship at the University of California, Irvine
Vikki Duncan
- [Air-l] New Position: Internet Projects Officer
William Dutton
- [Air-l] RE: e-Science and the grid
William Dutton
- [Air-l] Working Definition of "political internet"
Patrick Fagan
- [Air-l] Call for Entries: (5 Days left) 17th Stuttgart Filmwinter Festival for Expanded Media
Benjamin Fischer
- [Air-l] media-space 03: media in space/space in media
Benjamin Fischer
- [Air-l] Researching
Elaine Floyd
- [Air-l] ATTN: Race, Place, and Information Technology
Maximilian C. Forte
- [Air-l] ATTN: Race, Place, and Information Technology
Maximilian C. Forte
- AW: [Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers
Barjak Franz
- [Air-l] Subscribe to Design Research News
Ken Friedman
- [Air-l] Call for papers
Frode Guribye
- [Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers
Caroline Haythornthwaite
- [Air-l] Job offers - Canada
Lorna Heaton
- [Air-l] Re: e-science, the grid, and supercomputers
Christine Hine
- [Air-l] new media political economies
Philip Howard
- [Air-l] Preconference workshop - redux
Charles Ess / IT-U
- [Air-l] Penn State
Matt Jackson
- [Air-l] Toronto restaurants and MORE
Liss Jeffrey
- [Air-l] September, 2003 AoIR Executive Committee Report
Steve Jones
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
Steve Jones
- [Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers
Steve Jones
- [Air-l] Fwd: CCGrid 2004, Chicago - CALL FOR PAPERS AND PARTICIPATION
Steve Jones
- [Air-l] Student peer-to-peer infiltration
Marj Kibby
- [Air-l] Student peer-to-peer infiltration
Marj Kibby
- [Air-l] INTERNET POLICY EVENT: File Swapping and the Law
Hans Klein
- [Air-l] Student peer-to-peer infiltration
Holly Kruse
- [Air-l] redux
Holly Kruse
- [Air-l] Student peer-to-peer infiltration
Holly Kruse
- [Air-l] U. of Tulsa position
Holly Kruse
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
Alex Kuskis
- [Air-l] Toronto Restaurants
Alex Kuskis
- [Air-l] Student peer-to-peer infiltration
Karim R. Lakhani
- [Air-l] Illicit Consumption
Karim R. Lakhani
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
Karim R. Lakhani
- [Air-l] 7 new papers on
Karim R. Lakhani
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
Rik Lambers
- [Air-l] course readings/esp. books
Ed Lamoureux
- [Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers - inter2?
Ed Lamoureux
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
Guillaume Latzko-Toth
- [Air-l] Re: The death of chat?
Guillaume Latzko-Toth
- [Air-l] Apologies
Rita Lauria
- AW: [Air-l] The death of chat?
S. Liban
- [Air-l] [Fwd: Grants: international fellowship in social research methods]
Merlyna Lim
- [Air-l] International reactions to The death of chat?
Merlyna Lim
- [Air-l] ICS/ OII Symposium 17 - 20th September
Dianne Looker
- [Air-l] Welcome to the "Air-l" mailing list
Courney Lucas
- [Air-l] Politics on the Internet (from APSA)
Wainer Lusoli
- [Air-l] Last CFP: GOR 04
Uwe Matzat
- [Air-l] ATTN: Race, Place, and Information Technology
Art McGee
- [Air-l] ATTN: Race, Place, and Information Technology
Art McGee
- [Air-l] Seeking research on Internet cafes
Lisa-Jane McGerty
D A Mepham
- [Air-l] Edward Said Dies
Dave Munger
- [Air-l] recs for books/essays on new media political economies
Lisa Nakamura
- [Air-l] Source of research sought
Christine L. Ogan
David Peterson
- [Air-l] RE: [Air-l]International reactions to The death of chat?
Randolph Kluver (Assoc Prof)
- [Air-l] Researching
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-l] ICS/ OII Symposium 17 - 20th September
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-l] The OII Symposium
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-l] Re: e-science, the grid, and supercomputers
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers - inter2?
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-l] Re: e-science, the grid, and supercomputers
Ulf Reips
- [Air-l] Amsterdam Workshop Call - Deadline Extended
Richard Rogers
- [Air-l] CfP: Mobile Entertainment: User Centred Perspectives
Jason Rutter
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
Lois Ann Scheidt
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
Lois Ann Scheidt
- [Air-l] Edward Said Dies
Lois Ann Scheidt
- [Air-l] Student peer-to-peer infiltration + PHO
John von Seggern
- [Air-l] Internet Use Among Scientists
Wesley Shrum
- [Air-l] Device/PC Pre/Post Upgrade behaviors
Philip Sidel
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
Collette Snowden
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
Gitte Stald
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
J Sternberg
- [Air-l] pol econ
Jonathan Sterne
- [Air-l] CFP: After Social Construction: Technology, Knowledge and Society
Jonathan Sterne
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
Sarah Stewart
- [Fwd: Re: [Air-l] The death of chat?]
Frank Thomas
- [Air-l] arcade games as a political weapon
Frank Thomas
- [Air-l] fall colors in Toronto
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] turn left for eats
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] RE: Course Readings
Greg Wise
- [Air-l] blogs text?
Greg Wise
- [Air-l] Re: 1. e-science, the grid, and supercomputers (jeremy hunsinger)
Paul Wouters
- [Air-l] CFP: Student perceptions, beliefs and attitudes (Journal special theme)
Panayiotis Zaphiris
- [Air-l] Consultation on a draft professional and ethical code
ren at
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
ren at
- [Air-l] arcade games as a political weapon
ren at
- [Air-l] Good Technology Proposal Models?
- [Air-l] Cross Curricular Learning and Assessment
- Res: Re: [Air-l] The death of chat?
rsvasc at
- [Air-l] fAf Oct 03: Made Men, Richard Bell in cyberTribe
linda carroli
- [Air-l] Conference Registration
andrew.herman at
- [Air-l] Conference Registration
andrew.herman at
- [Air-l] recs for books/essays on new media political economies
andrew.herman at
- [Air-l] Openings at IU--Telecommunications
- [Air-l] ICS/ OII Symposium 17 - 20th September
H.A.Campbell at
- [Air-l] Illicit Consumption
- [Air-l] recs for books/essays on new media political economies
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] Fwd: [seweb-list] WWW2004 CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] Congratulations (fwd)
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] who blogs?
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] who blogs 2?
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers - inter2?
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] final call who blogs
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] Hotel bookings
amartins at
- [Air-l] forum on the art of (online) collaboration
geert lovink
- [Air-l] * New * Geert Lovink: My First Recession
geert lovink
- [Air-l] Workshop Program at the German Online Research 04
Uwe Matzat matzat at
- [Air-l] October on -Empyre- Anamorph/Semiomorph:Playspace/Playlife
magesm at
- [Air-l] internet effect on society
g s
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
- [Air-l] The death of chat?
- [Air-l] new reviews in cyberculture studies (september 2003)
david silver
- [Air-l] rock and roll, cultural memory, and technology
david silver
- [Air-l] The Communication Review - New Issue Alert
david silver
- [Air-l] new reviews in cyberculture studies (october 2003)
david silver
- [Air-l] Congratulations (fwd)
robert m. tynes
- [Air-l] Congratulations (fwd)
robert m. tynes
- [Air-l] In memory of Said: fwd his last article: Orientalism 25 years later
meiwu at
- [Air-l] Toronto restaurants: Chinese cuisine
meiwu at
- [Air-l] social shaping of eScience and eSocial Science
steve woolgar
- [Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers
elijah wright
- [Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers - inter2?
elijah wright
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 20:59:43 PDT 2003
Archived on: Thu Oct 3 17:36:10 PDT 2024
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