D A Mepham d.mepham at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Sep 28 09:12:51 PDT 2003

As many of you know I am a mature student embarking on a sociology degree course.  Induction days are this week and then at last all red tape completed I can get my teeth into sociology and Community Studies.  I have just been scanning the papers limbering up the little grey cells and the following idea came to mind.  Can I form a correspondence with one or more mature students embarking on a similar course in other countries.  When I considered how I might initiate such a move I though AIR-L would be just the vehicle for my initial request.

SO if you are a lecturer in Sociology/Community Studies or a similar branch and have mature students in your class groups then please ask if they would be willing to compare notes with a British Counterpart.

ALSO If you are a researcher interested in mature students and how we fare at degree level or in the way these sociology is taught in different countries perhaps you would like to contact me too.

student2student at blueyonder.co.uk

Thanks for reading
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