[Air-l] Gender & IT
Diana Andone
diana at ldrum.opendrum.utt.ro
Mon Sep 22 04:23:44 PDT 2003
A friend of mine from Salzburg University, Austria sent me the following
email with this request. If any of you can ahelp please contact me or
her - Regina Kainz.
All the best
Diana Andone
I have been given the special opportunity to lecture a 1-term workshop
on gender + it at a department of business-computer science (the german
term is: Wirtschaftsinformatik). Therefore I am looking for papers,
books, etc. that deal with gender+it and aspects of marketing,
theories on media usage (reception) has been individualizing the user,
whereas market research neatly groups users together. what do we know,
when we hear that there is a new 'metro-sexual' men?
also of interests are theories and empirical data on how girls/boys,
male/female teenagers, etc. differently use computers, the internet,
computer-games, etc.
Diana Andone
Director - Teleuniversitatea TV
Multimedia lecturer - "Politehnica" University of Timisoara
Bul. V. Parvan No 2
1900 Timisoara
tel/fax +40 256 403300
email: diana at mail.opendrum.utt.ro
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