[Air-l] blogs text?

Jim Downing jim.downing at rmit.edu.au
Tue Sep 23 19:04:46 PDT 2003

Dear Greg,
Bryan Alexander's bookmark page found here is a great resource for many things one of which is blogging
Links to these articles found at it include 
Paul Andrews, "News by the People, For the People" (May 2002) 
Cameron Barrett, "Anatomy of a Weblog" (January 1999) 
Rebecca Blood, "weblogs: a history and perspective" 
Thomas Burg, "Learning and Weblogs" (Java presentation) 
Ellis, "All the News That's Fit to Blog" 
_____, "Weblogs for Professional Web Sites" (Feb 2002) 
Foley, "Are you blogging yet?" (July 2002) (.com value) 
Gilmor, "Journalistic Pivot Points" 
Grosso, "The Evolution of Blogs" (2002) 
Harrsch, "RSS: The Next Killer App for Education" (July 2003) 
Hiler, "Blogosphere: the emerging Media Ecosystem" (28 May 2002) 
_____, interviewed (22 June 2002) 
Meg Hourihan, "What We're Doing When We Blog" 
Jenkins, "Blog This" 
Jerz, On the Trail of the Memx: Vannevar Bush, Weblogs and the Google Galaxy" (February 2003) 
Kling, "Is Blogging a Fad?" - some good information metaphors. 
Lasica, "Blogging as a Form of Journalism" - Part 1, Part 2 [May 2002] 
Mayfield, "Ecosystem of Networks" (February 2003) 
Microdot, Dynamics of a Blogosphere Story" (May 2003) 
Orlowski, "Back in the Bloghouse" 
Pasick, "Blogs May Piece the Fog of War" (December 2002) (Forbes) 
Rodgers "Targeted Serendipity" (2002) 
Shachtman, "Blogging Goes Legit, Sort Of" (June 2002) 
Shirky, "Power Laws, Weblogs, and Inequality" (February 2003) 
Stone, "The Blogging Revolution" (July 2000) 
Sullivan, "The Blogging Revolution"
Cross, "Blogs: Learn to blog, blog to learn" 
Jenkins, "Blogs at the Heart of Cultural Change" 
Kruper, "Blogs as CMSes: Is their biggest advantage also their achilles' heel?" (August 2003) 
Long, "Blogs: A Disruptive Technology Coming of Age?" 
Oravec, "Bookmarking the world: Weblog applications in education" (April 2002) 
Sinha, "Experiments in Designing Online Communities" (2002) 
You will find that these reading would give the crtical overview perspective that you are seeking to impart. 

Hope this helps and if you use it perhaps you could e-mail Bryan your appreciation.
All the best
Jim Downing

>>> Greg.Wise at asu.edu 09/24/03 11:41 AM >>>
I'm revamping my class in New Media and was wondering if anyone knew of any
new books out there on blogs that one could recommend be set as a course
text (i.e., a shorter book aimed at undergrads or a general public). I'm not
looking for "How To" books, but perhaps a more critical approach to the
phenomena. I've noted a number of books on blogs listed on Amazon.

Also, or instead, if anyone knows of any decent articles on blogs that might
work as a critical overview to set instead of a whole book, I'd appreciate

Offlist replies are fine.

Thanks, in advance,

Greg Wise

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