AW: [Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers

Barjak Franz franz.barjak at FHSO.CH
Wed Sep 24 02:22:29 PDT 2003

I am currently finishing a report on the use of the Internet among European
scientists for a European Union funded research project. We carried out a
postal survey among scientists on their Internet access and use. The dataset
contains scientists from 5 disciplines (astronomy, chemistry, computer
science, economics and psychology) and 7 European countries. If anybody on
the list is interested, I'll be glad to send out the report draft (should be
ready by mid november). I am also looking for opportunities to present and
publish selected issues.

Franz Barjak
University of Applied Sciences Solothurn 
Northwest Switzerland 
Riggenbachstrasse 16
CH-4600 Olten
E-mail: franz.barjak at
!!!!!!!!!new phone and fax numbers!!!!!!!!!!!
p. +41 62 287 7825, fax: +41 62 287 7845

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: jeremy hunsinger [mailto:jhuns at] 
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. September 2003 22:25
> An: air-l at
> Betreff: [Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers
> Having recently been made aware that my university is moving 
> in a very 
> major way into the field of e-science by bringing online a new 
> supercomputer and intending to hook that up to the national 
> lambdarail 
> project as part of the terascale grid computing network, I'm 
> wondering 
> if anyone on the list is working on any of these topics, as they all 
> have to do with internet research in some way, and specifically 
> scientific uses of the internet, well at least in our case.
> here are some informational links:
> lambdarail
> Virginia Tech terascale cluster 
> Jeremy Hunsinger
> Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
> () ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail
> /\ - against microsoft attachments
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