AW: [Air-l] The death of chat?

S. Liban sam_liban at
Wed Sep 24 12:33:41 PDT 2003

Sj wrote:

> emphasized spam and porn as being the reasons for the closing. Is
> that the reporting elsewhere?


It was the same in Germany...

I wonder:
Cryptplogy is harmful, because terrorists could use it to communicate,
so we tend to set our own right to privacy aside...
Open Source is harmful, because it supposedly harms the industry, so
the media view it increasingly negative and naive...
Chats is the newest part...

Where will this lead to?
Would we give up cars, because we saw people get killed?
Was industrialism (19th century) stopped, because it produced so many
poor people in the cities(e.g. Manchester-capitalism)?
Did we ban all(!) nuclear weapons because of Hiroshima?

I wonder...why all this negatve hype around this still new and growing
tool for communication called the net?
We, the consumers/people/employees/etc. are supposed to accept the
fact of change.
Why can we not expect the same from goverments and corporations?
I am not saying, that every new way is a good way - please - I still
drink my beer, the way it was brewed in 1516!

What happened to facts to judge whether something is good or not?
Where is the patience that we had with new developments?

Is it just me or my narrow view (timewise...), that implies, there is
a greater fear towards change? Much greater than before?
Has anyone access to data showing how societies reacted on
technological changes before 1990?
I would be interested in any country or society...

Take care - and don't get scared...

sam liban

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