[Air-l] e-science, the grid, and supercomputers - inter2?

Ed Lamoureux ell at bradley.edu
Sun Sep 28 07:14:49 PDT 2003

Oh, I don't know....
while I'm not a big I2 guru, our Music Department is in its second year 
teaching hand drumming between here and the southeast coast via I2. . . 
there's a tiny lag, but the musicians worked it out...

On Saturday, September 27, 2003, at 09:59  PM, Denise N. Rall wrote:

> Dear Air-er's -
> I recall a lot of hype around internet2.  But the
> latest review I saw of its implementation (in a recent
> Chronicle of Higher Ed, don't have the exact date)
> looked very under-whelming.
> It was a new bandwidth and was supposed to offer broad
> spectrum high speed connectivity, especially for
> 'internet video' - a friend of mine was worked at
> Southern Cross Uni on the video implmentation for
> distance music teachers/pupils in Australia, another
> team (I believe at U-Kentucky) has worked on a similar
> project and not had much joy on the inter2 network.
> Despite the vaunted specs, it is too slow for
> interactive music instruction via 'webcam'.
> Ok, doesn't grid sound like inter2 all over again?
> Anyone out there working on project implementation
> with an inter2 link that is going well?? and I have
> continually heard that IPv6 is coming. Has it arrived
> in the US or anywhere else for that matter?
> Having a skeptical moment, Denise
> =====
> "The distance between here and there is growing; and getting even 
> larger as we speak" (S. S. Hall)
> Denise N. Rall, PhD student, School of EnvironSciMgmt, Southern Cross 
> Uni,  Lismore, NSW, 2480 Australia Phone +61-2-6624-8627 Fax 
> +61-2-6624-8637 Office (Tuesdays) (02) 6620 3577 Mob 0438 233 344
> http://www.scu.edu.au/schools/rsm/staff/pages/drall/index.html
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Edward Lee Lamoureux, Ph. D.
Interim Director, Multimedia Program and New Media Center
Associate Professor, Speech Communication
1501 W. Bradley
Bradley University
Peoria IL  61625
Editor, Journal of Communication and Religion

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