[Air-l] Re: [Air-l] RE: [Air-l] Re: first post (An Internet without Space)  

Denise Carter denisecarter at denisecarter.net
Tue Feb 3 23:14:30 PST 2004

From: "Kevin Tharp"
>Regarding the place - space conversation, a question comes to my mind.
When we invest of ourselves in >cyberspaces or cyberplaces, are we investing
in the space/place, or are we investing in the people that occupy >that
space/place.  As a researcher/practitioner in the development of cyber**aces
that can encourage and >support the interaction between the people of a
geographic locality, it seems to me that an understanding of >such things
lies in the perceptions of the people that appropriate them as part of their

i think (imho) that it is always worth looking at Lefebvre's ideas here - ie
that social space is created thro social action - hence we can talk about
particular landscapes of the internet that are 'social spaces' because
people are investing in each other in that space

denise carter

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