[Air-l] number crunching or philosophical debate...

Nils Zurawski nils.zurawski at uni-hamburg.de
Mon Feb 9 03:10:42 PST 2004

Dear Eero and others,

I read our posting with interest.. but got a bit confused and 
puzzled... as an offspring of the rather intensive debate on 
Space/Cyberspace/Setting/whatever you seem to bash all of this and 
afrgue for a more practical research on INternet issues... why not, 
besides it being already there, I can not follow the point of that 
all of this discussion is useless - you did not say so, but it 
clearly sounded like that. In order to understand what we are 
researching, how we conceptualize the object of our studies, it seems 
far from necessary to abondon this kind of thinking and debate, but 
put it in perspective and combine it...

I might did get you wrong, but I would argue in favor of such a 
debate and therefore the necessity of such a roundtable.. also 
covering your critique of the whole debate...


ps.. btw... are going to propose such a roundtable... how are we 
organizing it.. ??
Dr. Nils Zurawski
Universität Hamburg
Inst. für kriminologische Sozialforschung
Allendeplatz 1
20146 Hamburg
tel. +49 (0) 40 42838 6185
fax. +49 (0) 40 42838 2328

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