[Air-l] hallucinating cyberspace -origins

Rhiannon Bury welshwitch75 at rogers.com
Fri Feb 13 07:52:52 PST 2004

Eero Tarik wrote:

> Nils,
> in the real physical world there is a simple, immutable law - the wife 
> controls the husband's known universe :-)

Oh really now. I'll have to head down to the local women's shelters and 
let them know.

> ...and I'm not sure she-who-must-be-obeyed would see the humour in 
> this husband frolicking, at great expense, around the English 
> countryside for a few days. 

And while you're at it,  why don't you keep your sexist "humour" 
confined to RL space and out of my inbox?

This could lead us to a discussion of the workings of the public/private 
distinction in cyberspace, but I'll leave that to someone else. :)

a feminist with a sense of humour

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