[Air-l] Call - Social Science Information Services and Technology (25-28 May Madison WI) (fwd)

Barry Wellman wellman at chass.utoronto.ca
Thu Jan 8 14:42:03 PST 2004


  Barry Wellman         Professor of Sociology        NetLab Director
  wellman at chass.utoronto.ca  http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman

  Centre for Urban & Community Studies          University of Toronto
  455 Spadina Avenue    Toronto Canada M5S 2G8    fax:+1-416-978-7162
	     To network is to live; to live is to network

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2004 12:39:31 +0100
From: BMS-RC33 <bms at iresco.fr>
To: rc33-isa at wanadoo.fr
Subject: Call - Social Science Information Services and Technology  (25-28
    May Madison WI)

Thanks to H-Net

The International Association for Social Science
Information Services and Technology (IASSIST)

Location: Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Deadline: 2004-01-16

IASSIST 2004 Conference Announcement / Call for
Papers Data Futures: Building on Thirty Years of Advocacy The
International Association for Social Science Information
Services and Technology (IASSIST) annual conference will be
held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison on May 25-28,

Contact: julie.linden at yale.edu

Announcement ID: 136278

Ask your university library to subscribe to the BMS; only 65 euros/dollars
per year.

* Karl M. van Meter             BMS, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique
* vanmeter at iresco.fr            (Bulletin of Sociological Methodology)
* tel/fax 33 (0)1 40 51 85 19   bms-aims at wanadoo.fr
*                               http://www.iresco.fr/bms031119
* LASMAS-CNRS                   RC33, Research Committee Logic &
* 59 rue Pouchet                Methodology of the International
* 75017 Paris, France           Sociological Association, rc33-isa at wanadoo.fr

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