January 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jan 1 06:18:47 PST 2004
Ending: Sat Jan 31 21:10:46 PST 2004
Messages: 155
George Lessard (s)
- [Air-l] Setting up a panel on domestic internet use
Ben Anderson
- [Air-l] FW: E-living Results Conference 20-21 Jan 2004 invitation
Ben Anderson
- [Air-l] lie, lies, and capitalist lies
Mark Andrejevic
- [Air-l] Reminder -- CFP: TIS issue on Internet Research
Nancy Baym
- [Air-l] 2nd International Conference on Politics and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications (PISTA ´04 )
Nancy Baym
- [Air-l] IR 5.0 Abstract length question
Nancy Baym
- [Air-l] howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Nancy Baym
- [Air-l] howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Nancy Baym
- [Air-l] Re: qual and quant (fwd)
Irene Berkowitz
- [Air-l] Fwd: [MMC] New Journal: International Journal of Web Services Research
Irene Berkowitz
- [Air-l] Stuttgarter Filmwinter
Charlie Breindahl
- [Air-l] CFP: Online Journalism
Charlie Breindahl
- [Air-l] Re: howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Charlie Breindahl
- [Air-l] FW: visualising social networks
Ulla Bunz
- [Air-l] IR 5.0 Abstract length question
Ulla Bunz
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Ulla Bunz
- [Air-l] On Netnography
Dan L Burk
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Rhiannon Bury
- [Air-l] howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Rhiannon Bury
- [Air-l] capitalism always lies?
Danny Butt
- [Air-l] NSYR Update -- The Internet: A Meeting Place for Religious Teens
Heidi C
- [Air-l] Prix Ars Electronica - Digital Communities
Denise Carter
- [Air-l] Social inclusion and e-learning. Invitation to join the charter
David Casacuberta
- [Air-l] capitalism always lies ?
Robin Cheesman
- [Air-l] Live Cyber-Caucus experiment - Chat tonight (Now)
Steven Clift
- [Air-l] Call for panel participants + pre-conference idea
Mia Consalvo
- [Air-l] What happened to netzwissenschaft.de ressource
Serge Courrier
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Rowin Cross
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Rowin Cross
- [Air-l] howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Joao Vieira da Cunha
- [Air-l] submission ?
Greg Elmer
- [Air-l] The Global and the Local in Mobile Communication: Places, Images, People, Connections
Dányi Endre
- [Air-l] On Netnography
Charles Ess
- [Air-l] Query re. programs in Global Communication
Charles Ess
- [Air-l] Reminder: Deadline for online dating workshop at CHI 2004
Andrew T. Fiore
- [Air-l] Deadline 18.01. 12Uhr/12am: Abstimmung DASDING-Publikumspreis Internet / Voting DASDING-audience award Internet
Benjamin Fischer
- [Air-l] IR 5.0 Abstract length question
Sarah Michele Ford
- [Air-l] Think Tank: Greeting Big Brother With Open Arms (fwd)
Maximilian Forte
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Maximilian C. Forte
- [Air-l] An information society or a controlled society?
- [Air-l] FWD: 'ethnography' exposed
Radhika Gajjala
- [Air-l] Re: qual and quant
Douglas Galbi
- [Air-l] CFP -- Critical Discourse Studies
Phil Graham
- [Air-l] FW: Revised Call For Participation - NEW: Submission Deadlines Extended.
Michael Gurstein
- [Air-l] CfP Theory and Practice of Community Informatics in the CIS
Michael Gurstein
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Michael Gurstein
- [Air-l] factcheck.org
Michael Gurstein
- [Air-l] Any linguistic studies based on a newsgroup corpus?
Jakob Halskov
- [Air-l] Re: Air-l digest, Vol 1 #957 - 2 msgs
Jacob Hecht
- [Air-l] Trolling on the AoIR List?
Christopher Helland
- [Air-l] factcheck.org
Liss Jeffrey
- [Air-l] CHI 04 Workshop: Social Learning Through Gaming
Phillip Jeffrey
- [Air-l] Carl J. Couch Internet Research Award
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-l] qual and quant
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-l] Re: qual and quant (fwd)
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-l] CFP "Pervasive Information Systems" NY August 2004
Quentin (Gad) Jones
- [Air-l] Fwd: Technology Position at the University of Arizona
Steve Jones
- [Air-l] Query re. programs in Global Communication
Nan Kim-Paik
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Holly Kruse
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Holly Kruse
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Alex Kuskis
- [Air-l] Trolling on the AoIR List?
Alex Kuskis
- AW: [Air-l] Website Development Packages
S. Liban
- [Air-l] iCS 6.3 and 6.4
Loader, Brian
- [Air-l] Reminder: TCQ Special Issue Deadline 1/31/04
- [Air-l] January on -empyre- : Nova Media Storia: Histories and Characters
Michael Arnold Mages
- [Air-l] The future of e.learning is an endeavour spread all over the world
Paolo Manzelli
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Jonathan Marshall
- [Air-l] factcheck.org
Jonathan Marshall
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Jonathan Marshall
- [Air-l] howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Jonathan Marshall
- [Air-l] howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Jonathan Marshall
- [Air-l] capitalism always lies ?
Jonathan Marshall
- [Air-l] Workshop program German Online Research 04
Uwe Matzat
- [Air-l] Re: howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Art McGee
- [Air-l] howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Art McGee
- [Air-l] howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Art McGee
- [Air-l] howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Art McGee
- [Air-l] capitalism always lies?
Art McGee
- [Air-l] Re: Best practices in e-learning?
Daniel Menchik
- [Air-l] Best practices in e-learning?
Monica Murero
- [Air-l] Oxford Summer Doctoral Programme
Vicki Nash
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Christian Nelson
- [Air-l] factcheck.org
Christian Nelson
- [Air-l] Cyberscience
Dr. Michael Nentwich
- [Air-l] 2nd Call for Papers - Internet Research
Kathleen O'Riordan
- [Air-l] Internet Research Conference deadline for papers
Kathleen O'Riordan
- [Air-l] Reviewers for the annual AoIR conference
Kathleen O'Riordan
- [Air-l] Sunbelt Social Network Conference
Gregor Petric
- [Air-l] CfP IAMCR-CTP reminder
Jo Pierson
- [Air-l] On Netnography
Fernando Polo
- [Air-l] Question about Rob Kling Festschrift
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-l] Re: Best practices in e-learning?
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-l] Call for Participation: Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2004 (CSCW'04)
Reddy, Madhu
- [Air-l] Sixth International GOR Conference: approaching end of early registration
Ulf-Dietrich Reips
- [Air-l] qual and quant
Ulf-Dietrich Reips
- [Air-l] qual and quant
Ren Reynolds
- [Air-l] howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Ren Reynolds
- [Air-l] help request
Ren Reynolds
- [Air-l] Best practices in e-learning?
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Andrew Russell
- [Air-l] Free places at Digiplay Seminar: Manchester, UK
Jason Rutter
- [Air-l] Mobile Entertainment Conference: Early Bird deadline
Jason Rutter
- [Air-l] FWD: 'ethnography' exposed
Christian Sandvig
- [Air-l] Please send a new message when starting a new topic
Frank Schaap
- [Air-l] "Web's inventor gets a knighthood"
Lois Ann Scheidt
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Irina Shklovski
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
DJ Smith
- [Air-l] US election:, media, Dean scream and technology
Collette Snowden
- [Air-l] US election:, media, Dean scream and technology complete!
Collette Snowden
- [Air-l] factcheck.org
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-l] Query re. programs in Global Communication
Bonnie Strong
- [Air-l] Re: qual and quant
Charles Tilly
- [Air-l] Re: Air-l digest, Vol 1 #946 - 4 msgs
Lokman Tsui
- [Air-l] Re: howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Robert M. Tynes
- [Air-l] Re: howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Robert M. Tynes
- [Air-l] Trolling on the AoIR List?
Robert M. Tynes
- [Air-l] Academy and the Internet
Verhulst, Stefaan
- [Air-l] rob kling issue of TIS
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] Call - Social Science Information Services and Technology (25-28 May Madison WI) (fwd)
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] another physicist discovers social networks andthe internet
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] Ethnography Conference April 30th - Call for Papers/AbstracMilagros Pena <mpena at soc.ufl.edu>ts (fwd)
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] qual and quant
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] Re: qual and quant (fwd)
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] capitalism always lies ?
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] CFP: Web and Aging: Challenges and Opportunities
Panayiotis Zaphiris
- [Air-l] Role Playing Streaming Video
MSJANEW at aol.com
- [Air-l] Website Development Packages
MSJANEW at aol.com
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Steffasong at aol.com
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
Steffasong at aol.com
- [Air-l] Scholarly communication related video streams
halavais at buffalo.edu
- [Air-l] panel on net spaces, identity .....
andrew.herman at comcast.net
- [Air-l] IR 5.0 Abstract length question
andrew.herman at comcast.net
- [Air-l] The Internet Is Changing The Way Canadians Socialize
aoir.z3z at danah.org
- [Air-l] Best practices in e-learning?
- [Air-l] NCDG Fellowships 2004-2005: Technology, Institutions and Governance
Robin_McKinnon at harvard.edu
- [Air-l] educ and tech job
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] CfP GOR 2002
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] submission ?
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-l] Role Playing Streaming Video
patrickcarpenter at ireland.com
- [Air-l] Website Development Packages
patrickcarpenter at ireland.com
- [Air-l] Website Development Packages
patrickcarpenter at ireland.com
- [Air-l] announcement
- [Air-l] help request
- [Air-l] (no subject)
- [Air-l] Dean's campaign
bakera at ohiou.edu
- Fwd: [Air-l] CfP GOR 2002
lizabeth rodriguez
- [Air-l] new reviews in cyberculture studies (january 2004)
david silver
- [Air-l] Information, Communication & Society - New Issue Alert (fwd)
david silver
- [Air-l] Think Tank: Greeting Big Brother With Open Arms (fwd)
david silver
- [Air-l] Website Development Packages
elijah wright
- [Air-l] howard dean, social movements and clay shirky
elijah wright
- [Air-l] capitalism always lies ?
elijah wright
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 21:10:46 PST 2004
Archived on: Thu Oct 3 17:36:13 PDT 2024
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