[Air-l] 2nd International Conference on Politics and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications (PISTA ´04 )

Nancy Baym nbaym at ku.edu
Fri Jan 9 11:36:26 PST 2004

Call for Papers

2nd International Conference on Politics and Information Systems:
Technologies and Applications (PISTA ´04)
July 21 - 25, 2004 - Orlando, Florida, USA


PISTA '04 Organizing Committee invites authors to submit their original and
unpublished works, innovations, ideas based on analogical thinking,
problems that require solutions, position papers, case studies, etc., in
the fields of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
ICT researchers are invited to present their research results.
Practitioners and consultants are invited to present case study papers and
innovative solutions. Corporations are invited to present political
information systems and software based solutions. Public servers are
invited to present case studies, information systems developed for specific
purpose, and innovative ideas and designs. Political and social scientists
are invited to present research or position papers on the impact and the
future possibilities of ICT in Societal systems and political processes.
Politician and political consultants are invited to present problems that
might be solved by means of ICT, or solutions that might be improved by
different approaches and  design in ICT.

All are invited to organize panel or invited sessions. Panel sessions with
panelists coming from both: ICT researcher/practitioners and political
consultants or politicians are highly encouraged.

Submitted papers must describe work not previously published. They must not
be submitted concurrently to another conference with refereed proceedings.

You can find complete information about the conference in our web page

PISTA '04 Organization
General Chair: Prof. Jose Vicente Carrasquero
Organizing Committee Chair: Prof. Angel Oropeza

Organized by the IIIS: The International Institute of Informatics and

Conference Areas
· Informatics And Society
· Informatics, Voting and Political Parties
· Informatics And Government
· Ethical and Legal Issues related to Informatics

Abstracts and Paper Drafts Submission Form

Papers might be submitted via web page
http://www.confinf.org/pista04/website/submission.asp, as extended
abstracts (500-1500 words) or as full papers drafts (2000-5000 words).

Reviews will be done for both kinds of submissions.

Invited Sessions proposals can be done filling the form given in the web
page http://www.confinf.org/pista04/invitedsession/organizer.asp

More information about Invited Sessions Organization could be found at the
web http://www.confinf.org/pista04/website/ISOrganization.asp

Important Dates
February  04th, 2003: Submission of extended abstracts (500-1500) words or
paper Drafts (2000-5000) words.

February  04th, 2003: Invited session proposals.

March  17th, 2004: Notifications of Acceptance.

April  13th, 2004: Submission of final versions: hard copies and electronic

Some invited sessions might have a different timetable according to its
organizer and chair

Papers Reviewing And Publication
Submitted papers will be reviewed. Accepted papers, which should not exceed
six single-spaced typed pages, will be published by means of paper and
electronic proceedings. Authors of accepted papers must sign a copyright
release form.

The Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics will publish, at
least, the best 10% of the papers presented at the conference.
Nancy Baym 	http://www.ku.edu/home/nbaym
Communication Studies, University of Kansas
Bailey Hall, 1440 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 102, Lawrence, KS 66045-7574, USA
Association of Internet Researchers: http://aoir.org

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