[Air-l] The future of e.learning is an endeavour spread all over the world

Paolo Manzelli lre at unifi.it
Fri Jan 2 09:34:03 PST 2004

> The future of e.learning is an endeavour spread all over the world
> Some congress where LRE /EGO-CreaNet think to participate are the
> following:
> www.reduc.edu.cu/valores/index.htm

Congress on Values and Education

> Paper of P.Manzelli & Colleagues on : " The changing of values of
> education in the transformation between
> industrial society in the world wide incoming knowledge society."
> http://www.eslared.org.ve/  - Invitation to the"panel"on Inet2004 in 

> Barcellona -  Paper of P.Manzelli and Colleagues on : "Rethinking the 
> knowledge
> management for sharing e.govern best practices
> and growing up criteria of evaluation of Intangible Assets in the World
> Wide Development"
> http://www.unimc.it/el-conference/ (Macerata (IT)
> http://www.expoe-learning.net/expo2004/didamatica.htm   (Siena (IT)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I would remember that the LRE/EGO create Educational Innovation
> Research  is based on the following issues about renewing the e.learning
> strategies:
> a) The most important of  contemporary developments in e . learning is
> How people learn: brain, mind, experience.
> The contemporary advances in the study of e.learning sees in
> contemporary Neuroscience the possibility  to provide evidence for many
> strategies of new e. learning creative development , that have emerged
> from neurological research, where through Functional NMR ,  it is
> showing how learning systems and modalities  the use of memory processes
> changes the physical structure of the brain and, with it, the functional
> organisation of the mind.
> Therefore  in LEFO-WEB ( IT ) http://www.narnia.it/lefo/ , we start to
> open a section on BRAIN & MEMORY , (now in Italian) that can  make 
> possible to create innovative curricula at the elementary schooling all
> over the world. In fact developmental Educational Research of
> EGO-CreaNET / LRE  have shown that young children understand a great
> deal about basic principles of biology and genetics, and that these
> capabilities make it possible to create innovative curricula that
> introduce important concepts for advanced reasoning at early ages. (see
> :http://www.descrittiva.it/calip/dna/
> http://www.circolodidattico-grumonevano.it/) 
> <http://www.circolodidattico-grumonevano.it/%29>
> b)  Educational Research of LRE/EGO-CreaNET  has also uncovered
> important principles and methods  for structuring Mutual learning
> experiences that enable people to share and use  what they have learned
> in new settings of  NETWORKING e.LEARNING (NET-Learning strategies).
> As a matter of facts "Mutual Learning or Net-learning "  is more
> adequate for  person permanent to adult person  and Net learning it is
> also connected with the changes of work in "e.team-work" and for
> enterprises in "networking knowledge management innovation"  for growing
> up Digital or Virtual  enterprises in an extended Knowledge Society
> In this case the integration among sociological and  economical research
> has increased understanding of the nature of competent performance and
> the principles of knowledge management reorganization that underlie
> Intangible Assets  ( i.e. human resource and social capital) to develop
> skills and and abilities  to solve and or to save problems p in a world
> wide variety of areas, of the  post-industrial society named KNOWLEDGE
> Within the new Year (2004) the EGO-CreaNET telematic Association would
> improve the"VIA" ( Virtual International Agency).
> http://www.chim1.unifi.it/group/education/FoundationEGOvia.pdf
> This new  initiative  borns now  for developing collaborative studies
> both : a) on emerging interactive technologies ( for instance ; mobile
> devices , and wireless Web- communication .. and so on )  and b) on
> innovative educational & cognitive research ,  aiming to  re-designing 
> "e.learning and hence e.governmental environments",  whitin a world
> wide  co-operation  yielding new integrated knowledge about the nature
> of learning and teaching as it takes place in a variety of settings  at
> different levels of educational pour poses , in any case  looking to the
> the transformation of Industrial society in the post industrial
> knowledge society.
> I hope you can be interested in such co-operation promoted through 

> for giving  an important 
> contribution in  accelerating and improving the KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY
> DIMENSION all over the world.
> My best wishes for an HAPPY NEW YEAR. Paolo Manzelli FIRENZE 02 
> /DEC/2004 .

Director of LRE/EGO-CreaNet - University of Florence
Via Maragliano 77 - 50144 Firenze - Italy
Phone: +39/055332549
Mobile: +39/335-6760004
E-mail: LRE at unifi.it ; manzelli at invisibilmente.it

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