[Air-l] CFP -- Critical Discourse Studies

Phil Graham phil.graham at mailbox.uq.edu.au
Thu Jan 15 06:33:21 PST 2004

Dear All,
Issue 1:1 of CDS is in the pipeline for April 04. Here is the second call 
for papers.
Please feel free to distribute widely.
Best regards,


Call for Papers

Critical Discourse Studies: An interdisciplinary journal for the social 
A Routlegde Journal -- New for 2004

Norman Fairclough, Lancaster University, UK
Phil Graham, University of Queensland, Australia
Jay Lemke, University of Michigan, USA
Ruth Wodak, University of Vienna, Austria

Authors are invited to submit papers for publication in Critical discourse 
Studies, a peer-reviewed international journal published by 
Routledge-Taylor & Francis.

Critical Discourse Studies is an interdisciplinary journal for the social 
sciences. Its primary aim is to publish critical research that advances our 
understanding of how discourse figures in social processes, social 
structures, and social change.

The journal has been established in response to the proliferation of 
critical discourse studies across the social sciences and humanities. We 
will consider for publication papers that meet the needs of scholars in 
diverse disciplines and areas of study which develop critical perspectives 
on the relationship between discourse and social dynamics.

Relevant areas and disciplines include, but are not limited to:
cultural studies
ethnic studies
gender studies
legal studies
literary studies
management studies
media studies
migration studies
political economy
political science
technology studies
urban studies

The ediitors also welcome papers which connect critical academic research 
with practical concerns and agendas, including those of activist and 
grassroots political movements.

The scope of critical discourse studies is not limited to linguistic 
studies, or articles that are primarily empirical or analytical. Critical 
examination of non-linguistic phenomena that take a significant discourse 
orientation, as well as theoretical and methodological papers that advance 
critical understandings of discursive phenomena, are welcomed.

Recognising the diversity, depth, and history of scholarship in the growth 
of critical discourse studies, no particular theoretical, disciplinary, or 
methodological "schools" or paradigms will be privileged over others in the 
selection of papers for publication. The primary criteria for publication 
are originality, scholarly rigor, coherence of argument, relevance and 
timeliness of research.

Critical Discourse Studies encourages contributions from both new and 
established scholars. The journal recognises that the new and rapidly 
changing social relations of the current age call for new approaches and 
new understandings that bridge disciplinary and cultural boundaries. 
Therefore the editors strongly encourage the submission of papers that help 
us achieve these aims.

Critical Discourse Studies aims to be accessible. It aims for papers that 
are written clearly, explain key terms and concepts in an accessible way 
for readers at many levels, and recognise the needs and interests of its 
diverse community of readers.

For further information, or to submit manuscripts, email 
editorial at cds-web.net .

Further information, including notes for authors, is available at the 
Routledge-Taylor and Francis Critical Discourse Studies webpage: 

International Advisory Board

John Armitage - Northumbria University, UK
Henrik Bang - University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Michael Billig - Loughborough University, UK
David Boje - New Mexico State University, USA
Dominic Boyer - Cornell University, USA
Carmen Caldas-Coulthard - University of Birmingham, UK
Eve Chiapello - HEC Grand Ecole, France
Paul Chilton - University of East Anglia, UK
Lilie Chouliaraki - University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Mike Cole - UCSD, USA
David Cromwell - Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK
Robert de Beaugrande - Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
Konrad Ehlich - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany
Yrjo Engestrom - University of Helsinki, Finland
Susan Gal - University of Chicago, USA
Annette Hastings - University of Glasgow, USA
Rick Iedema - University of New South Wales, Australia
Bob Jessop - Lancaster University, UK
Douglas Kellner - UCLA, USA
Helga Kotthoff - Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Germany
Robin Lakoff - Berkeley, USA
Colin Lankshear - University of Ballarat, Australia
Angel Lin - City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Allan Luke - National Institute of Education, Singapore
Izabel Magalhaes - Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
Bernard McKenna - University of Queensland, Australia
John O'Neill - Lancaster University, UK
Ernesto Laclau - University of Essex, UK
Bruno Latour - Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
Mark Poster - UC Irvine, USA
Luisa Martin Rojo - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Carlo Ruzza - University of Essex, UK
Ron Scollon - Georgetown University, USA
Roger Silverstone - London School of Economics, UK
Glenn Stillar - University of Waterloo, Canada
Adam Tickell - University of Bristol, UK
Teun van Dijk - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Theo van Leeuwen - University of Cardiff, UK
Karl Weick - University of Michigan Business School, USA
James Wertsch - Washington University in St Louis, USA
Stanton E. F. Wortham - University of Pennsylvania, USA

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