[Air-l] A couple of questions about IR 5.0

Sarah Michele Ford ford at soc.umass.edu
Mon Jun 14 08:00:13 PDT 2004

Hi all, I'm trying to figure out if my grad student budget can handle 
the trip to Sussex in September, and I had a handful of questions:

1) Will there be any opportunities to volunteer in exchange for a 
reduced registration fee?  There's a "volunteers" tab on the conference 
webpage, but no information is there yet.
2) Will there be any opportunity to apply for travel assistance funding 
through AoIR?
3) How practical would it be to stay in Brighton proper and travel by 
bus to the University each day?
4) Will there be any organized way to connect attendees with possible 
hotel/hostel roommates?


Sarah Michele Ford
Department of Sociology / University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Illusion is the general rule of the universe;
reality is but an exception.
	--Jean Baudrillard
Sarah Michele Ford
Illusion is the general rule of the universe;
reality is but an exception.
	--Jean Baudrillard
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