[Air-l] auto-rejection

Steve Jones sjones at uic.edu
Mon Jun 14 08:37:42 PDT 2004

I have a few times had occasion to actually see the queue of messages 
that Charlie and Jeremy have to wade through regularly to ensure that 
spam and virus emails don't get through to air-l, and it is amazing how 
many there are. They have done a terrific job of keeping the list 
trouble-free, but to continue to ask them to serve as human email 
filters is indeed inhumane. I'll keep fingers crossed that the solution 
that's now implemented works.

And I'd also like to remind everyone that if you get a message that a 
posting didn't go through, let Jeremy know. The vast majority of the 
time it happens it is because there is a slight change in one's mail 
server or mail system that causes the sender's address to look 
different than the address under which the sender is subscribed. The 
mailman system is fairly easy for users to administer (the 
administration url is at the foot of every message to airl-) and in 
general we should not need Charlie's or Jeremy's help.

Thank you, Charlie and Jeremy, for your continued efforts on behalf of 


On Jun 14, 2004, at 9:28 AM, elijah wright wrote:

>> due to the large number of spam and virus's that we receive on the 
>> list
>> which require moderation, i have turned on an auto-rejection for posts
>> of unsubscribed addresses.  this is currently experimental, i want to
>> see whether it is tenable for a list like ours.  let me know if you 
>> run
>> into problems.
> this is what i do for lists i run, too.  one of those has over a 
> thousand
> subscribers.  every week or so i will have to send *one* user a note 
> that
> says "you have to subscribe to the list before you can post" - this is
> *way* better than what happens otherwise.
> NOT doing things this way (i.e. not auto-rejecting posts from people 
> who
> aren't subscribed) can eat up so much of a moderator's time as to be 
> very,
> very impractical.
> i think this is a good change, jeremy, if only because it takes some 
> load
> off of you.  it is the humane thing to do :)
> elijah
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