[Air-l] Scientists and Subjects Online Seminar (fwd)

Lois Ann Scheidt lscheidt at indiana.edu
Mon Oct 25 15:14:02 PDT 2004

I took the seminar earlier this year and I highly recommend it to anyone
who is interested in research ethics.

Lois Ann Scheidt MPA MIS SPHR CCP
Doctoral Student
School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University
Bloomington IN USA
Webpage:  http://www.loisscheidt.com
Blog:  http://www.professional-lurker.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 14:41:19 -0500 (EST)
From: owner-poynter_news at indiana.edu.On.Behalf.Of.Pimple,
    Kenneth at indiana.edu
To: appe at indiana.edu
Subject: Scientists and Subjects Online Seminar

| This message is from APPE_News, a distribution list managed by     |
| the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics.             |
| For more information about the Association, see the end of this    |
| message.                                                           |

Scientists and Subjects: An Online Seminar on the Ethics of Research
with Human Subjects

Registrations are now being accepted for the sixth annual Scientists and
Subjects Online Seminar.

Scientists and Subjects is a unique and innovative Internet-based
seminar designed for busy researchers and research administrators who
are concerned with the responsible conduct of research with human
subjects. The seminar is open to junior and senior researchers, members
of Institutional Review Boards and other administrators, and college and
university faculty members who teach future researchers.

Five years of experience offering the Scientists and Subjects seminar
has allowed us to develop an intensive, focused curriculum addressing
core issues in human subjects research. To maximize interaction and
attention to each seminar member's concerns, each cohort will be limited
to 17 members on a first-come, first-served basis.  The seminar fee is
$200. Continuing Medical Education credits are available for an
additional processing fee of $50 (16 credits).

Prospective participants must submit a check or purchase order to cover
the registration fee and complete an application form, available on the
Web at http://poynter.indiana.edu/sas/, no later than Friday, December
10, 2004.

For more information, contact: Kenneth D. Pimple, SAS Project Director,
Poynter Center, Indiana University, 618 East Third Street, Bloomington,
IN 47405-3602; (812) 856-4986; FAX 855-3315; pimple at indiana.edu;

| If you are interested in joining the Association,       |
| please visit our web site at                            |
| http://www.indiana.edu/~appe/ or contact us at          |
| appe at indiana.edu with your mailing address to           |
| receive an introductory letter and information packet.  |
|                                                         |
| For information on this list, including how to          |
| unsubscribe, send an e-mail to majordomo at indiana.edu    |
| with the following command in the body (not the         |
| "Subject" line) of your message: info appe_news         |

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