[Air-l] Feminists, Postcolonial Theorists, and Queers Doing Internet Research listserv

Michele White mwhite at wellesley.edu
Tue Oct 19 15:39:10 PDT 2004

Dear Colleagues, 

I am pleased to announce the "Feminists, Postcolonial Theorists, and
Queers Doing Internet Research" listserv
(FemPTheoryQueer at listserv.aoir.org) and the accompanying sign-up site

This list is available to all the academics, activists, technologists, and
other individuals who are interested in considering how feminist,
postcolonial, and queer issues and methods can assist us in understanding
the Internet, related cultures, and computer technologies. This list
developed from a number of exciting "birds of a feather" meetings that
occurred during the Association of Internet Researchers' conference and
our commitment to making connections among individuals with shared

Some of our current concerns are the politics of Internet research;
continuing to develop Internet research methods and practices;
communicating with individuals in related fields; mentoring among women,
people of color, and queers in the Internet research areas; developing
bibliographies and syllabi; communicating about teaching issues;
increasing our visibility in keynotes and other positions of honor; and
academic hiring and promotion practices. We intend to address the ways
that our research relates to Internet and new media studies scholarship
and the significant work in women and gender studies, critical race
studies, postcolonial theory, gay and lesbian studies, and queer theory.

Please view the following web site for additional information on joining
the list: http://listserv.aoir.org/listinfo.cgi/FemPTheoryQueer-aoir.org

This list is hosted by the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), an
international academic association dedicated to the advancement of the
cross-disciplinary field of Internet studies. It is a resource and support
network promoting critical and scholarly Internet research independent
from traditional disciplines and existing across academic borders. More
information about AoIR is available at http://aoir.org

All my best,
Michele White

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