[Air-l] Home page locator? for personal home pages

Denise N. Rall denrall at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 1 19:19:41 PDT 2004

Dear AIR'ers -

Sorry I am talking about a "personal home page finder"
that directly tries to locate a *personal* home page
for any person typed into the search, rather than the
last 16 emails they sent or some alumni newsletter

I tried ifind.com 
Of course google will often arrive at a personal page
eventually  - but I thought some of the researchers
working on personal web pages has a special tool -

I do use google (duh) although I have noted that it
does learn a bit - it knows by now after a few go's to
find me a CV if possible from a person's name.  But I
have noted a  mini-hiccup sometimes when I didn't use
the commercial database that it puts first on the
results list - all the other results seemed to come up
quite slow and it has quite a few times. So I clicked
back on the commercial database and everything was
brilliant after that.

Working late here - could be hallucinating, too.

For years I used altavista - that was then, this is
now. To find tourist type information for people
coming to Australia/NZ - yahoo.com.au has worked. 

Cheers, Denise

Denise N. Rall, PhD candidate, School of Environ. Science,
Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW 2480 - Mobile 0438 233 344
Sustainable Forestry Mentoring Coordinator & Casual academic
Coastal Resource Management - Ph-Off (02)6620 3789 Hours: M 1-4:30 Presenting! Assoc. of Internet Researchers 5.0, Sussex University

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