[Air-l] Anyone know of published, qualitative studies of trust on e-bay?

Putut Widjanarko pututw at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 26 05:19:20 PDT 2005

You may check this articles:

Resnick, P. (2002). Beyond Bowling Together: SocioTechnical Capital. <http://www.si.umich.edu/~presnick/papers/stk/index.html>

Resnick, P., and Zeckhauser, R. (2001). Trust Among Strangers in Internet: Empirical Analysis of eBay’s Reputation System. <http://www.si.umich.edu/~presnick/ papers/ebayNBER/index.htm>
Resnick, P., Zeckhauser, R., Friedman, E., and Kuwabara K. (2000, December). Reputation System. Communication of the ACM, vol. 43 no 12, pp. 45-48.

Resnick, P., Zeckhauser, R., Swanson, J., and Lockwood, K. (2002). The Value of Reputation on eBay: A Controlled Experiment. <http://www.si.umich.edu/ ~presnick/papers/psotcards/> 

Putut Widjanarko
PhD Student
School of Telecommunication
Ohio University

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronald Rice <rrice at comm.ucsb.edu>
Sent: Jul 25, 2005 5:31 PM
To: air-l-aoir.org at listserv.aoir.org
Subject: [Air-l] Anyone know of published,	qualitative studies of trust on e-bay?

I know that there are large-scale, economic analysis of e-bay usage, as it's 
a great example of an information-based market economy.
But someone asked me if there were any user studies of e-bay, specifically 
about issues of trust, rating credibility, etc.
I said, if anyone knows about this stuff, it would be AoIR folks.
See you at AoIR in Chicago!
Ronald E. Rice
Arthur N. Rupe Endowed Professor
Co-Director, Center for Film, Television and New Media
President-Elect of the International Communication Association
Dept. of  Communication, 4840 Ellison Hall
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4020
Ph: 805-893-8696; Fax: 805-893-7102
rrice at comm.ucsb.edu

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