[Air-l] First post

Mary-Helen Ward mhward at usyd.edu.au
Tue Aug 29 17:43:56 PDT 2006

Hi everyone

I have been reading this list for about a month now so I thought it was 
about time I delurked.

I'm doing a PhD at the University of Sydney and my subject is the PhD 
itself. I am interested in how it has been and is being conceptualised, 
and how that matches the lived experience. To this end I have a small 
but growing group of PhD candidates (one of whom is myself!) who are 
keeping blogs about their experience. As far as I can ascertain this 
could be the first time anyone's been able to look at the process of 
becoming a doctor using an ongoing longitudinal study - certainly the 
first time anyone's used an online method.

So I'm not, strictly speaking, researching the internet or any facet of 
it - rather I'm using an online tool to do an ethnographic study.

Looking forward to some more interesting posts. I'm finding this list a 
great resource for new trains of thought.


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