[Air-l] Citation Managers - Alternatives to Endnote/CiteULike/... ?

Jeremy Hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Sun Mar 19 10:02:25 PST 2006

I use bookends, and it is great for this.  it has a notes category  
and i keep many of my notes in that, much the same way that you  
mention. But bookends is mac only.   http:// 
www.sonnysoftware.com/   . I am happy to trade endnote xml files  
produced from bookends with other people's files if they  have them  
available.  The search tool of bookends is quite amazingly adept, it  
has both regex and sql capacities.   Bookends also plugs into word  
and other word processors, such as the one that I use, which is  
Mellel at http://www.redlers.com/ .  I also have just started using  
copywrite to write too, because it has the option of full screen mode  
writing  http://www.bartastechnologies.com/  .   Bookends works fine  
with copywrite.

Alternatively you can use my online reference tool.   http:// 
referencetool.tmttlt.com/   The more people that use it, the faster I  
will probably upgrade it's capacities.  The referencetool that is  
online now is mainly just wikindx3, but It does precisely what you  
seem to want.   I've been working on a parallel project for some time  
now that might be released in the fall that does the same thing, only  
differently, but it will be data compatible with wikindx3 , so no one  
will lose any data.

The other thing that I use, but not really for references, but for  
quote and paper/pdf management is devonthink.  Steven Johnson shows  
how he uses it at http://www.stevenberlinjohnson.com/movabletype/ 

I use it differently.   I download or print every document to pdf  
that i deem appropriate, currently around 11000 different pdfs, I  
make sure that they are all full text pdfs, and then devonthink makes  
them searchable.  Devonthink is basically what i chose to replace any  
Desktop Search tool, such as apple's native spotlight, which failed  
miserably on full text phrase search in pdfs.

so.. I have another step in process, in comparison to yours, which is  
to put almost everything into devonthink as a whole.   Then I put the  
citations and specific notes into bookends, and I occasionally export  
my bookends database to wikindx3/referencetool.

bookends + referenceminer http://www.sonnysoftware.com/
referencetool/wikindx3  http://referencetool.tmttlt.com/
devonthink  http://www.devon-technologies.com/products/devonthink/ 
copywrite  http://www.bartastechnologies.com/
mellel  http://www.redlers.com/

Hope that helps

jeremy hunsinger
jhuns at vt.edu

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