[Air-l] CFP: Graduate Student Research Group

Elizabeth Van Couvering e.j.van-couvering at lse.ac.uk
Fri Mar 24 08:58:57 PST 2006

Hi all,

I for one welcome the interest that AOIR has in supporting graduate  
students.  I don't know exactly what Ted and the exec have in mind -  
I confess because I am not very involved and haven't been reading the  
grad student list -   but perhaps if we all acknowledge that we are  
pulling in the same direction - towards substantive contributions by  
and acknowledgement of junior scholars - then we will all move  
forward to those goals.



On 24 Mar 2006, at 07:16, Matthew Allen wrote:

> Dear all
> Recently Ted Coopman, the elected AoIR grad student representative,
> posted the call for expressions of interest in being involved in the
> AoIR Graduate Student Research Group, eliciting some discussion on the
> list. As President I just want to emphasise that this proposal is  
> fully
> supported by the executive, based on Ted's detailed planning. It also
> follows on from some of the things that Ted indicated he wanted to  
> do as
> grad student rep in the pre-election discussions in 2005.I also  
> want to
> indicate (as Ted has already explained) that the GSRG is in a pilot
> stage and may or may not continue, or be changed, depending on what
> happens over the next year or so. Indeed the comments made on the list
> will prove useful in helping to shape and develop the GSRG in ways  
> that
> are fully supportive of both the broad aims of the Association and
> specifically supporting and promoting graduate students.
> Can I ask that any graduate students who are interested in involvement
> in the group contact Ted directly for more information. Since it is a
> pilot project, involvement will assist us making sure that the GSRG
> continues and develops to meet a variety of needs within the
> Association. Shortly, Ted will provide some basic info and additional
> details as they emerge on the aoir website.
> Cheers
> Matt
> Dr Matthew Allen
> Associate Professor in Internet Studies
> President Association of Internet Researchers
> Faculty of Media Society and Culture
> Curtin University of Technology
> CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
> http://smi.curtin.edu.au/NetStudies/allen.htm
> +61 8 92663511 (v) +61 8 92663166 (f)
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Elizabeth Van Couvering
PhD Student
Department of Media & Communications
London School of Economics and Political Science
e.j.van-couvering at lse.ac.uk

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