[Air-L] informed consent

Mary-Helen Ward mhward at usyd.edu.au
Mon Dec 17 17:59:08 PST 2007

In my blogging project I emailed out the information sheet and consent form,
and participants emailed me back saying that they had read and understood
both pages. That satisfied my ethics committee.


On 18/12/07 10:31 AM, "Erika Pearson" <erika.pearson at stonebow.otago.ac.nz>

> I am curious as to people's experiences in gathering informed
> consent?  Our university has a paper document that it requires
> participants to sign -- but I was wondering if any of you have any
> experience in alternate ways of gathering this consent (i.e.: email
> or electronic document, printing out and mailing back or even
> scanning in a signed copy of the document) and any problems you
> encountered.
> any help would be much appreciated.
> cheers
> erika
>   ~~

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