[Air-L] informed consent

Sue Malta SMalta at groupwise.swin.edu.au
Mon Dec 17 19:22:35 PST 2007

Dear Erika

I'm in the process of conducting semi-structured interviews with older adults via instant messaging.  My ethics committee had much the same requirements that Mary-Helen's did.  Viz, sending out an informed consent with an information sheet, with respondents emailing back to say they had read and understood and agreed to participate in the study.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards

Sue Malta

PhD Candidate
Australian Centre for Emerging Technologies & Society
Faculty of Life & Social Sciences
Swinburne University


>>> Erika Pearson <erika.pearson at stonebow.otago.ac.nz> 12/18/2007 10:31 am >>>
I am curious as to people's experiences in gathering informed  
consent?  Our university has a paper document that it requires  
participants to sign -- but I was wondering if any of you have any  
experience in alternate ways of gathering this consent (i.e.: email  
or electronic document, printing out and mailing back or even  
scanning in a signed copy of the document) and any problems you  

any help would be much appreciated.
Erika Pearson
Dept. of Media, Film and Communication.
University of Otago
P.O. Box 56
Dunedin 9054
Aotearoa/New Zealand
Ph: (+0064 3) 479-8680
erika.pearson at otago.ac.nz 

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