[Air-l] CFP- Colloquium
Viviane Serfaty
vivianeserfaty at yahoo.fr
Wed Jan 10 14:58:39 PST 2007
>From Viviane Serfaty
Showing, Demonstrating
Université de Marne la Vallée, France
Research group: UMLV-Paris 12 : IMAGER
June 15-16, 2007
Because the colloquium aims at cross-disciplinarity,
its theme - Showing, Demonstrating - is meant to give
rise to plural interpretations and encourage
methodological hybridization. Showing and
demonstrating are the basis of complex sets of
relationships in a large array of fields, some of
which include, but are not limited to, the areas of
research exemplified below :
· information: in many countries, the way the media
stage-manage information is moving newsreports
towards a degree of uniformity. The Internet is a
prime vehicle for the globalization and uniformization
of information flows and shows. Can these information
flows be regulated ? With what technology? What
presides over the choice of what the media show ? How
does the Internet interact with traditional media ?
· TV images, print media pictures, political cartoons
: pictures, images or drawings are inserted in
electronic or print media. What is the relationship
between text and image, commentary and image ? How
can the same images be made to demonstrate
contradictory views ? How do pictures in TV news
reports or newspaper pictures relate to reality ? How
do images move from the status of witness to that of
actor of history (Gervereau, 2006) ? What metaphors or
other figures of speech are used to show and convince
? Are figures of speech used to show or point to the
unsayable or even the unthinkable ?
· Political activism: mobilizing supporters, staging a
demonstration, and getting media attention are
defining moments in the life of any militant or
advocacy group. How do these groups construct their
public image ? What do they strive to show ?
Conversely, what do they carefully hide ? What tools
do they use for their purposes ? What do these groups
show when they build an Internet site ?
· the production of private images : the widespread
use of traditional and later on of digital cameras has
led to the production and the preservation of often
poor quality images. What do such images show when
they are posted on sites such as youtube or
dailymotion ? Do they transform our notions of privacy
? Do they show what ought to have remained hidden ?
How can the large scale preservation of amateur
pictures be analyzed ?
· gaming: what is being played out in networked games
? does gaming demonstrate a new trend in sociality ?
do the virtual worlds of networked games show anything
about the underlying structures of contemporary
sociality ? Can gaming be seen as a vector of
acculturation for new technologies ?
· the text – image – hypertext relationship : how can
the iconic dimension of printed texts be thought
through ? how are images mediated by texts ? can the
frontier between text and images be described as
porous ? the joint presentation of texts, images,
videos or sounds paves the way for experiments in
hypertextuality, ephemeral art or installations. Do
these forms converge towards a rhetoric of multimedia
(Bolter, Knoespel, 1994) ? Do they amount to new forms
of visual writing ?
Please send 300-400 words-long anonymous proposals in
English or French with a brief biographical sketch in
a separate document to : vivianeserfaty at yahoo.fr or
serfaty at mlv-univ.fr
Deadline : January 31st, 2007.
The scientific committee will examine the proposals by
March 1st at the latest.
Works cited :
Bolter, Jay David, Knoespel, Kenneth J. “Word and
Image in Multimedia”, in Josè Encarnçao and Jim Foley
(eds.), Multimedia: System Architectures and
Applications, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1994, p.
Gervereau, Laurent. Propagande et images : le
gouvernement des icônes. Table-ronde, ENS, 31 hanvier
Montel, Nathalie. « Etablir la vérité scientifique au
XIXe siècle. La controverse sur la différence de
niveau des deux mers (1799-1869). Génèses. Sciences
sociales et histoire, 32 (1998) 86-109.
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