[Air-l] sources on gendering of technology?
Peter Timusk
ptimusk at sympatico.ca
Fri Jul 20 02:45:56 PDT 2007
you can check my blog for my studies as I have been reading in the
area of gender and computing as an undergrad for a coupe of years.
One more experimental psychological work on gender is
Copper, Joel, & Weaver D, Kimberlee. Gender and Computers:
Understanding the Digital Divide (Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erbaum, 2003).
One more survey type work on computer science students is
Margolis, Jane & Fisher Allan. Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in
Computing (MIT, 2001)
These are two books that look specifically at Wired Magazine
Pauline Borsook's, Cyberselfish (New York: Public Affairs, 2000).
This book enlightened me to the dangers of Wired magazine and
clarified some of my own thoughts as a Wired reader.
This past few months I have been reading
Stewart Millar, Melanie. Cracking the Gender Code: Who Rules The
Wired World (Toronto, Ont.: Second Story, 1998).
This book builds on the sexist reality of Wired magazine. I have not
read the whole book yet but am rereading parts of it with interest.
this is interesting too from my blog a bit of a summary
Seiter, Ellen. The Internet Playground: Children's Access,
Entertainment, and Mis-Education (New York: Peter Lang, 2005).
This book covered a professor's teaching of an elementary classroom
course on media and journalism to two school's one a lower class
school with an ethnic population. She looked at the children's love
of wrestling and neopets. She found that the gender gap in computing
disappears when one considers working class non-white males and that
the privledged males in computing are white middle class men.
also go right back to Donna Haraway's early work in the 1980's.
Haraway, Donna. A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology and
Socialist Feminism in the 1980s in Haraway, Donna. The Haraway Reader
(New York: Routledge, 2004).
a prof at my former school covered feminsm and cyborgs in her masters
Hamilton, Sheryl N. Intimate Couplings: A Feminist Interrogation of
the Cyborg (M.A. Thesis, Carleton University, School of Journalism
and Communications, 1995) [unpublished].
you might read Consalvo, Mia, & Passonen Susanna. eds. Women &
Everyday Uses of the Internet: Agency and Identity (New York:, Peter
Lang 2002).
Peter Timusk,
B.Math statistics (2002), B.A. legal studies (2006) Carleton University
Systems Science Graduate student, University of Ottawa (2006-2007).
just trying to stay linear.
Read by hundreds of lurkers every week.
On 19-Jul-07, at 2:16 PM, Tuszynski, Stephanie wrote:
> Hi everyone -
> I was hoping some people could suggest some sources on the subject
> of gendering technology? I'm thinking in particular of research
> that looked at things like "women use the phone to gossip while men
> use it for business" and so forth.
> References that talk about using the Internet for "information
> gathering" versus social activity would also be helpful.
> Thanks
> Stephanie Tuszynski
> Visiting Assistant Professor
> Department of Theatre and Film
> University of Toledo
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