[Air-l] Self reflexivity as a stratified phenomenon

David Brake d.r.brake at lse.ac.uk
Tue Jul 3 03:05:50 PDT 2007

In an article I will be submitting shortly I am looking at the use of  
profiles as self reflexive tools and asking why this form of use  
didn't appear to be something the MySpace users I talked to were  
interested in. I speculate that one possible reason why scholars  
studying personal home pages and weblogs over the years seem to find  
quite a bit of self-reflexive activity is because early adopters tend  
to be more educated and have a higher SES and that self reflexivity  
is itself something that those with higher education and SES  
(academics included) are both more comfortable doing and more  
inclined to do.

I was wondering if there was any study or literature that might back  
the link up between self reflexivity and SES or education (or for  
that matter challenge it). It seems like something Bourdieu might  
have alluded to but I don't recall reading anything by him that bears  
on the subject.

David Brake, Doctoral Student in Media and Communications, London  
School of Economics & Political Science
Also see http://davidbrake.org/ (home page), http://blog.org/  
(personal weblog) and http://get.to/lseblog (academic groupblog)
Author of Dealing With E-Mail - <http://davidbrake.org/ 
callto://DavidBrake (Skype.com's Instant Messenger and net phone)

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