[Air-l] Self reflexivity as a stratified phenomenon

Radhika Gajjala radhika at cyberdiva.org
Tue Jul 3 04:10:30 PDT 2007

David - I might be entirely off base in my reading of what you mean  
by self-reflexive , but...

  early users also encountered the internet as a "new" interface -  
therefore self-reflexity featured more visible on the sites - however  
social networking via orkut, facebook, myspace, youtube and so on is  
a part of a college student's social life.

Does the average college student engage in self-reflexivity in public  
(regardless of whether or not they keep private journals) where their  
peers can observe them - over their daily social activities ? would  
that indeed be considered cool? If there is any form of self- 
reflexity (and I would argue that performatively there is indeed a  
thinking through in writing on SNS sites - but is that self- 
reflexivity?)- it might take other forms than what we are used to  
seeing in early webpages etc.

Might help to shift the frame of examination to SNS as part of  
everyday life (as Lois Ann implied in an earlier post responding to  
class divisions etc).

On Jul 3, 2007, at 6:05 AM, David Brake wrote:

> In an article I will be submitting shortly I am looking at the use of
> profiles as self reflexive tools and asking why this form of use
> didn't appear to be something the MySpace users I talked to were
> interested in.

Radhika Gajjala
radhika at cyberdiva.org

Radhika Gajjala
Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator
School of Communication Studies
302 West Hall
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43402


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