[Air-l] turnitin issue

burkx006 at umn.edu burkx006 at umn.edu
Thu Mar 8 21:10:35 PST 2007

The university counsel's advice shifts the issue from a legal problem to an 
ethical problem -- coercion instead of infringement. So it's really not 
possible to leave the ethical questions aside. DLB

On Mar 8 2007, Tama Leaver wrote:

>Well if we leave the ethical questions aside (which is a hard thing to do!)
>the legal advice given by the university lawyer and my institution (in
>Australia) was that we should change the faculty regulations so that
>submission via Turnitin was a course requirement and thus consent is given
>to use Turnitin at the moment of enrolement.
>That said, the legal issues that may arise (but haven't yet in Australia)
>have stopped the majority of faculties here using Turnitin.

Dan L. Burk
Oppenheimer, Wolff & Donnelly Professor
University of Minnesota Law School
229 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN  55455
voice: 612-626-8726
fax: 612-625-2011
bits: burkx006 at umn.edu

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