March 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Mar 1 06:43:39 PST 2007
Ending: Sat Mar 31 21:48:09 PDT 2007
Messages: 310
- [Air-l] CfP: NRHM Special Issue on Studying the Users of Digital Education Technologies: Theories, Methods, and Analytical Approaches
Cunliffe D J (AT)
- [Air-l] 988 exabytes of info created in 2010
Bram Dov Abramson
- [Air-l] Internet Governance research
Bram Dov Abramson
- [Air-l] 988 exabytes of info created in 2010
Bram Dov Abramson
- [Air-l] turnitin issue [and privacy+security of students]
Bram Dov Abramson
- [Air-l] peering post
Bram Dov Abramson
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Bram Dov Abramson
- [Air-l] turnitin musings
Dr.Cameron Adams
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Jonna Ahti
- [Air-l] Naturally occurring conflicts?
Jonna Ahti
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Jonna Ahti
- [Air-l] How Much Information / Information Growth
Semenov Alexander
- [Air-l] 988 exabytes of info created in 2010
Janna Anderson
- [Air-l] US city and/or county internet penetration
Chadwick Andrew
- [Air-l] US city and/or county internet penetration
Chadwick Andrew
- [Air-l] CFP: International Research Workshop on Analysing eParticipation Contributions, May 2007
Yigal Arens
- [Air-l] SMS and cell phone research
Redante Asuncion-Reed
- [Air-l] [THANKS] cell phone and sms research
Redante Asuncion-Reed
- [Air-l] Day School: Researching and Teaching the Sexually Explicit: Ethics, Methodology and Pedagogy
Attwood, Fiona
- [Air-l] reminder: online pornography collection
Attwood, Fiona
- [Air-l] How Much Information / Information Growth
William Bain
- [Air-l] what is the turnitin copyright claim?
William Bain
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet"
William Bain
- [Air-l] research on internet adoption
Maria Bakardjieva
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Maria Bakardjieva
- [Air-l] Multi-Modal Media/Format for Dissertation
Charles Baldwin
- [Air-l] Leonardo Electronic Almanac - CFP: Dispersive Anatomies Special
Charles Baldwin
- [Air-l] Any good Free E-Learning Platforms out there?
Michael Baron
- [Air-l] Any good Free E-Learning Platforms out there?
Michael Baron
- [Air-l] reasonable security with email interviewing research participants
Monica Barratt
- [Air-l] CFP Virtual Communities Minitrack - HICSS 41
Karine Barzilai-Nahon
- [Air-l] The internet: a catalyst for consensus or individual thinking?
Jonathan Basile
- [Air-l] naturally occuring Wiki conflicts
Mark Bell
- [Air-l] New on ICT Guides for March
Craig Bellamy
- [Air-l] questioning authority
Margie Borschke
- [Air-l] air-l Digest, Vol 32, Issue 36
Margie Borschke
- [Air-l] Back to Turnitin
Margie Borschke
- [Air-l] New book - Online Matchmaking
David Brake
- [Air-l] Attribute based web scales
Charlie Breindahl
- [Air-l] Attribute based web scales
Charlie Breindahl
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Amy S. Bruckman
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Mary K. Bryson
- [Air-l] Call for Papers -- Bulletin of Science, Technology, and Society
Jacquelyn Burkell
- [Air-l] Call for Papers -- Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society
Jacquelyn Burkell
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Rhiannon Bury
- [Air-l] naturally occuring Wiki conflicts
Robert Cannon
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Robert Cannon
- [Air-l] Any good Free E-Learning Platforms out there?
Robert Cannon
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Robert Cannon
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Alvin Concha
- [Air-l] questioning authority
Ted M Coopman
- [Air-l] questioning authority
Ted M Coopman
- [Air-l] turnitin
James W Craine
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Sue Cranmer
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Sue Cranmer
- [Air-l] Attribute based web scales
Cugelman, Brian
- [Air-l] referencing blogs and other online sources.
Jeremy Depauw
- [Air-l] Any good Free E-Learning Platforms out there?
Jeremy Depauw
- [Air-l] social networking sites ranked by traffic [methods question]
Paul DiPerna
- [Air-l] Attribute based web scales
Paul DiPerna
- [Air-l] CALL FOR PAPERS: SLCC07: Virtual worlds/second life and business
James Downing
- [Air-l] Call for Papers -- Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society
James Downing
- [Air-l] The internet: a catalyst for consensus or individual thinking?
Lucinda Dunn
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
William Dutton
- [Air-l] CFP: Persistent Conversation minitrack at HICSS
Tom Erickson
- [Air-l] humanscale video games...
Charles Ess
- [Air-l] recommendations for a wiki farm?
Charles Ess
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Douglas Eyman
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Douglas Eyman
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Douglas Eyman
- [Air-l] copyright and new media scholarship (was turnitin issue)
Douglas Eyman
- [Air-l] turnitin issue [and privacy+security of students]
Douglas Eyman
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Douglas Eyman
- [Air-l] is this ethical?
Douglas Eyman
- [Air-l] Call for Papers: Conference (SLCC07) Track: *Business in Second Life*
Marc Fetscherin
- [Air-l] CALL FOR PAPERS: Business in Virtual Worlds
Marc Fetscherin
- [Air-l] CALL FOR PAPERS: SLCC07: Virtual worlds/second life and business
Marc Fetscherin
- [Air-l] private/public
Andrea Forte
- [Air-l] pre-conference workshop on research and learning in sl at IR8.0
Suely Fragoso
- [Air-l] social networking/knowledge production
Gilles Frydman
- [Air-l] is this ethical?
Radhika Gajjala
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Ellis Godard
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Ellis Godard
- [Air-l] reminder: 'Internet Histories' cfp -- 16 April 07 close
Gerard Goggin
- [Air-l] Wikipedia weakness
Kevin Guidry
- [Air-l] my experience with plagiarism and turnitin
Kevin Guidry
- [Air-l] questioning authority
Kevin Guidry
- [Air-l] AIR-L new member
Luis Gutierrez
- [Air-l] is this ethical?
Alex Halavais
- [Air-l] Naturally occurring conflicts?
Sandra Harrison
- [Air-l] is this ethical?
Caroline Haythornthwaite
- [Air-l] Poverty and Human Development
Marc Hebert
- [Air-l] SMS and cell phone research
Heidelberg, Chris
- [Air-l] unesco Community Multimedia Centres programme evaluation
Heidelberg, Chris
- [Air-l] questioning authority
Heidelberg, Chris
- [Air-l] questioning authority
Heidelberg, Chris
- [Air-l] CfP - 3rd Asia-Pacific Computing and Philosophy Conference
Soraj Hongladarom
- [Air-l] what is the turnitin copyright claim?
Philip N Howard
- [Air-l] 988 exabytes of info created in 2010
James Howison
- [Air-l] 988 exabytes of info created in 2010
James Howison
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
- [Air-l] is this ethical?
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
- [Air-l] humanscale video games...
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] list of artists and nominees
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Fwd: IFIP Summer School: Karlstad Sweden. Future of Identity
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] ning group
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] new resource for information literacy
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Canadian broadcasting report on the internet from '93
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] why are women exiting technology
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Call for Participation for WiAOC 2007: CONNECT, a free global online conference for teachers and education professionals, May 18-20
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Fwd: [cultstud-l] Wi 2(1) is here: Collaboration in Research-Creation
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] seen this ze frank thing
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] UNESCO publishes survey on ethical implications of emerging technologies
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] unesco Community Multimedia Centres programme evaluation
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] unesco Community Multimedia Centres programme evaluation
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] unesco Community Multimedia Centres programme evaluation
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Fwd: [WDL] Become a reviewer for
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] social networking sites ranked by traffic
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] pre-conference workshop on research and learning in sl at IR8.0
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Fullbright-mtvU Music Culture Fellowships for Students
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Nethique en francais
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] bibliwiki: a desktop wiki for books and articles
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Globalization and Governance position
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Any good Free E-Learning Platforms out there?
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Fwd: [SLED] Call for Participation in a free online conference with April 7 proposal deadline
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Fwd: The 35th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy: deadline 31 March
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Fwd: [F/OSS-Discuss] "Wikimania 2007" Open for Registration & CFP
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet"
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet"
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet"
Jeremy Hunsinger
- [Air-l] Upcoming Conference - 8th June 2007 - Women, Blogging & Business
- [Air-l] US city and/or county internet penetration
Amelia Kassel
- [Air-l] US city and/or county internet penetration
Amelia Kassel
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
T. Kennedy
- [Air-l] turnitin issue [and privacy+security of students]
Miraj Khaled
- [Air-l] turnitin issue [and privacy+security of students]
Miraj Khaled
- [Air-l] turnitin issue [and privacy+security of students]
Miraj Khaled
- [Air-l] SMS and cell phone research
Miraj Khaled
- [Air-l] Fwd: [ciresearchers] URGENT: Contribute to a Blog Supporting the Canadian Community Access Program
Miraj Khaled
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Marj Kibby
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Marj Kibby
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Marj Kibby
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Marj Kibby
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Marj Kibby
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Marj Kibby
- [Air-l] cultural context please
Marj Kibby
- [Air-l] social networking sites ranked by traffic [methods question]
Sam Ladner
- [Air-l] recommendations for a wiki farm?
Karim R. Lakhani
- [Air-l] SMS and cell phone research
Patricia Lange
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Patricia Lange
- [Air-l] is this ethical?
Deanya Lattimore
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Tama Leaver
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Tama Leaver
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Tama Leaver
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Charlie Lowe
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Christopher Lueg
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
- [Air-l] Any good Free E-Learning Platforms out there?
Jeremy Malcolm
- [Air-l] air-l Digest, Vol 32, Issue 21
Kathy Mancuso
- [Air-l] Ethos Masters of the Muni-Verse Challenge Contest
Michael Maranda
- [Air-l] How Much Information / Information Growth
Jose-Carlos Mariategui
- [Air-l] 988 exabytes of info created in 2010
Jose-Carlos Mariategui
- [Air-l] Call for Chapters: Collaborative Learning using Concept Mapping
Rita Marriott
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Robert Mason
- [Air-l] FW: reasonable security with email interviewing research participants
C Cook or A McDonald
- [Air-l] Plagiarise
Derek McMillan
- [Air-l] Plagiarise
Derek McMillan
- [Air-l] Journal CFP reminder: Beyond Broadcasting
Graham Meikle
- [Air-l] [Fwd: [km4dev-l] Web2ForDev 2007 Conference ]
M.J. Menou
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Bonnie Nardi
- [Air-l] private/public
Bonnie Nardi
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Bonnie Nardi
- [Air-l] OURMedia 06 Conference Sydney April 2007: full program now online
Tanya Notley
- [Air-l] Grants for Collaborative Research in Media & Communications available: Letters of Inquiry due April 22
Rik Panganiban
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Tamara Paradis
- [Air-l] InternetGovernance rsrch
Nancy Paterson
- [Air-l] peering post
Nancy Paterson
- [Air-l] pre-conference workshop on research and learning in sl atIR8.0
Aristides Emmanuel Pereira
- [Air-l] Attribute based web scales
Aristides Emmanuel Pereira
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Aristides Emmanuel Pereira
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Aristides Emmanuel Pereira
- [Air-l] CFP: IRIE Special Issue on Ubiquitous Computing
David J. Phillips
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Dominic Pinto
- [Air-l] US city and/or county internet penetration
Dominic Pinto
- [Air-l] referencing blogs and other online sources.
Dominic Pinto
- [Air-l] Wikipedia weakness
Marshall Poe
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Jim Porter
- [Air-l] No email Fridays
Darren Purcell
- [Air-l] Studies on You Tube comments
Darren Purcell
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Joshua Raclaw
- [Air-l] CFP: Conference on Culture, Language, and Social Practice
Joshua P Raclaw
- [Air-l] research on internet adoption
Lee Rainie
- [Air-l] How Much Information / Information Growth
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-l] what is the turnitin copyright claim? - at Universities
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Denise N. Rall
- [Air-l] naturally occuring Wiki conflicts
Joseph Reagle
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Joseph Reagle
- [Air-l]
Ulf-Dietrich Reips
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Judy Rice
- [Air-l] Communication Studies Position Announcement
Christopher J. Richter
- [Air-l] private/public
Gilbert B. Rodman
- [Air-l] recommendations for a wiki farm?
Pamela Rosengren
- [Air-l] How did Reid Cornwell get my e-mail address?
Pamela Rosengren
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Drew Ross
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Andrew Russell
- [Air-l] E-Gov Track @ HICSS41: 1st CfP
Jochen Scholl
- [Air-l] CfP MeTTeG07
Jochen Scholl
- [Air-l] new reviews in cyberculture studies (march 2007)
David M Silver
- [Air-l] wanna be presidents - a new feevy blog aggregator
David M Silver
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
J Sternberg
- [Air-l] turnitin issue [and privacy+security of students]
Richard Stevens
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
Richard Stevens
- [Air-l] FW: reasonable security with email interviewing research participants
Sarah Stewart
- [Air-l] Attribute based web scales
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Rosanna Tarsiero
- [Air-l] Second Life research
Paul Teusner
- [Air-l] research on internet adoption
Frank Thomas
- [Air-l] Apology Re: editing wikipedia
Peter Timusk
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Peter Timusk
- [Air-l] questioning authority
Peter Timusk
- [Air-l] questioning authority
Peter Timusk
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Alexis Turner
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Alexis Turner
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Alexis Turner
- [Air-l] ACA 2007
Tyrone Adams, Ph.D.
- [Air-l] PhD Studentships available at IPE, The Media School, Bournemouth University, UK
Claudia Vieira
- [Air-l] research on internet adoption
Eduardo Villanueva
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Jimmy Wales
- [Air-l] is this ethical?
Jill Walker
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Mary-Helen Ward
- [Air-l] is this ethical?
Mary-Helen Ward
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Mark Warschauer
- [Air-l] social networking/knowledge production
Mark Warschauer
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Mark Warschauer
- [Air-l] 3rd Asia-Pacific Computing and Philosophy Conference
Philip Wazdatskey
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] my experience with plagiarism and turnitin
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] one good idea one dubious one, and one possibly better one
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] cultural context please
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] is this ethical?
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] private/public
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] naturally occuring Wiki conflicts
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] network of networks and email/e-mail
Barry Wellman
- [Air-l] research on internet adoption
- [Air-l] naturally occurring conflicts?
Andrew Whelan
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
James Whyte
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
James Whyte
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
James Whyte
- [Air-l] is this ethical?
James Whyte
- [Air-l] Naturally occurring conflicts?
James Whyte
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
James Whyte
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet" ?
James Whyte
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet"
James Whyte
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet"
James Whyte
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet"
James Whyte
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet"
James Whyte
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Sarita Yardi
- [Air-l] Wikipedia weakness
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-l] How did Reid Cornwell get my e-mail address?
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-l] Wikipedia weakness
Homero Gil de Zuniga
- [Air-l] Wikipedia weakness
Homero Gil de Zuniga
- [Air-l] The internet: a catalyst for consensus or individual thinking?
goldenberg anne
- [Air-l] Wikimania 2007: Call for participation
phoebe ayers
- [Air-l] UK Internet Research Doctoral Forum: Aberystwyth in April
m.thelwall at
- [Air-l] Any good Free E-Learning Platforms out there?
peter jakubowicz
- [Air-l] origin of the term Internet Vol 32, Issue 34
frseganti at
- [Air-l] Video Vortex (conference and list); Responses to YouTube
geert lovink
- [Air-l] referencing blogs and other online sources.
lilly nguyen
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
elw at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
elw at
- [Air-l] reasonable security with email interviewing research participants
elw at
- [Air-l] questioning authority
elw at
- [Air-l] Origin of the term "Internet"
elw at
- [Air-l] Mobile society site at Ning
richard.ling at
- [Air-l] SMS and cell phone research
richard.ling at
- [Air-l] TPRC 2007 Student Paper Competition
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] I/S Opportunities for Publication in 2006-07
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue [and privacy+security of students]
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] copyright and new media scholarship (was turnitin issue)
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue [and privacy+security of students]
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] what is the turnitin copyright claim?
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue [and privacy+security of students]
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] what is the turnitin copyright claim?
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] turnitin issue
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] IP & Gender at AU
burkx006 at
- [Air-l] baudrillard has finished burning the signs.
jhuns at
Last message date:
Sat Mar 31 21:48:09 PDT 2007
Archived on: Tue Aug 27 14:02:37 PDT 2024
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