[Air-l] InternetGovernance rsrch

Nancy Paterson Nancy.Paterson at senecac.on.ca
Wed Mar 7 06:20:17 PST 2007

I'm a media artist based in Toronto Canada conducting PhD rsrch in the area of internet governance. Specifically this work is:

Bandwidth brokerage, arbitrage and the 
creation of a commodity market in packet-based bandwidth led to 
financial failures partly as a result of failing to consider the 
basic interconnectedness or the internet. Internet peering 
agreements provide international networks the ability to 
At this point in time this is one of the most hidden areas of 
network topology. This research proposes to examine peering 
agreements over x# of years and to look at the potential for the 
development of transparency in peering agreements.

I've been on the internet since Dec 1982 at utzoo (at Univ of Toronto) and my website is www.vacuumwoman.com
Looking forward to any/all discussions!
Nancy Paterson
York University (Toronto)

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