[Air-l] cultural context please

Marj Kibby Marj.Kibby at newcastle.edu.au
Thu Mar 15 04:19:58 PDT 2007

Dr Marjorie Kibby, 
Senior Lecturer in Communication & Culture
Faculty of Education and Arts
The University of Newcastle,  Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia
Marj.Kibby at newcastle.edu.au
+61 2 49216604
>>> Barry Wellman <wellman at chass.utoronto.ca> 03/15/07 10:13 AM >>>
>What universities they have taught at (if any), and/or marked papers at
Three Australian Universities

>For how many years have they taught?

>How large their classes are?
200 students. 120 students. 80 Students.

>It is hard for me as a reader to evaluate many of the postings
>without such contextualization (reader response theory).

I'll be interested in reading your evaluation of my postings.


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