[Air-l] turnitin issue [and privacy+security of students]

burkx006 at umn.edu burkx006 at umn.edu
Fri Mar 9 13:26:06 PST 2007

On Mar 9 2007, Miraj Khaled wrote:

>well, are we sure it is  only 'hash' of the papers?


But, then, we aren't certain that your instructors aren't secretly working 
for the CIA, either.

Life is full of risks.  You have to prioritize.  DLB

Dan L. Burk
Oppenheimer, Wolff & Donnelly Professor
University of Minnesota Law School
229 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN  55455
voice: 612-626-8726
fax: 612-625-2011
bits: burkx006 at umn.edu

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