[Air-l] Ethos Masters of the Muni-Verse Challenge Contest

Michael Maranda mmaranda at afcn.org
Sat Mar 24 12:38:41 PDT 2007

**The Ethos Group announces our first* Masters of the Muni-Verse Challenge*,
a contest to identify and share the best free online resources available on
municipal and community broadband with fabulous prizes.* *

Send us your recommendations for the best freely available municipal
broadband resources by filling out our online entry form at
http://www.ethoswireless.com/mastersofthemuniverse. We'll choose the top 100
and make them available to everyone.  Your suggestions will help shape The
Ethos Group's* *upcoming *Municipal Broadband Online Resource Center and
Toolkit. **  *Contest entries must be received by *April 23th, 2007.*

*1st Prize.*  Complimentary registration and $500 travel stipend for *the
International Summit for Community Wireless Networks May 18-20, 2007* at
Loyola College in Columbia, Maryland (www.WirelessSummit.org) and a
half-pound box of fair trade organic hand-made chocolates delivered to your
door from www.luckychocolates.com.

*2nd Prize.*  Complimentary registration and $250 travel stipend for the
International Summit for Community Wireless Networks.

*What is a "resource"? *Resources are broadly defined and open to your
interpretation but may include: articles, blog posts, educational materials,
organizing tools, municipal documents such as task force report, original
research, white papers, presentations, maps, graphs, analysis tools,
websites, critiques, or even other resource lists.

*What topics are the Ethos Group looking for? *Ethos is looking for useful
tools for community organizers, decision-makers, implementers, and residents
and may span (but are not limited to) topics such as: case studies, business
models, technical information and comparisons, digital inclusion
initiatives, rural connectivity, public health and safety, disaster
response, policies and governance, do-it-yourself networking, as well as
more general information on broadband and how it works.

More contest details, rules, and fine print can be found at

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